Friday, July 20, 2012

Syrian Refugees - Syrian Crisis

BBC News: Reports that the violence in Syria has seen thousands of Syrians flee, the article notes that thirty thousand Syrians have left Syria for Lebanon in the past 48 hours.

Lets Get Real:

As the violence increase folks expect the regional countries to find that they have problems with the dealing with the numbers, thus expect demands that the UN come up with a united solution, the Assad Regime must think as long as it is supported by Russian, China and Iran it will not have to leave power. In the case of Russia it needs its warm water Port and its close relationship with the Assad Regime to keep it a power within the region, then Iran needs Assad as it allow Tehran to have influence in Lebanon, and also poke Israel through Syria and Lebanon. This major Civil War could last for months folks, but not years, also as stated if Assad is foolish to use WMD's that would be game changer, is Assad that foolish folks, this blog has its doubts.

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