Sunday, October 02, 2016

The EU and the rest of the UK - May Era

Telegraph: Reports the following remarks by Theresa May at the Conservative Party Conference,"  Theresa May has insisted there will be "no opt-out from Brexit" for any of the four nations of the UK.

Lets Get Real:
Let us recall that England and Wales voted OUT, while Scotland and Northern Ireland voted IN.   The PM is making clear that we are in the same boat, there will be no special deals and the future of the UK will be decided by the London by the PM.   Those will still want to remain in the EU will have another bout of depression, the SNP will call for another referendum on leaving the UK, that is not on the cards, the price of oil has fallen, the Scots needs the UK more than the other way around.   At the end of the day we  are part of the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and thus we shall STAND.

May on the new UK - May Era

Lets Get Real:

From the speech it seems that the PM understands the EU VOTE, the voters want control of their borders and for law to be made and decided by the UK Parliament and UK Courts.  Those that really love the EU have lost touch with the UK voter, they prefer that the laws come from abroad, the UK managed pretty well before the creation of the EU, we did win two World Wars and did have an Empire.   The problem is Europe, after the UK leaves the Germans will be in control of Europe, the Kaiser must be smiling in his grave, many respects the EU is an example of German aims for after World War One if they had won.   The Germans have the money, know they can pay the bills for the rest of Europe, one does wonder how long the Germans will tolerate that idea.

May on EU Vote - May Era

Lets Get Real:

IF you live long enough it is said you see it all, what was unthinkable become reality, from gay marriage to leaving the EU.   In 1938 Neville Chamberlain come home from Munich and promised peace in our time, and is this he was supported by the people and the British Establishment, within a year we see the start of WW2.   This is new chapter in UK history, it is up to us the people to make it work, we can not allow those EU supporters to change the historical FACT, we as a people voted out, that is called Democracy.

The TimeTable to LEAVE the EU starts by March 2017

Lets Get Real:

Thus the UK will start the process of leaving the EU in March of 2017, this is great news, it shows that Brexit means Brexit.  PM May with her firm words has showed that the Conservative Party was right to chose her as leader of the Conservative Party and PM.   Let us hope that May can be a leader as such was Thatcher, the leaving of the EU will be tricky, the EU supporters will try to block the move in the Parliament and in the Courts, let them recall that they LOST by a million votes in the referendum. It is time for the UK to move on and out of the EU.