Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Trump and Russia - Update 2 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The impression that Trump gives is that the Russian FSB has something on him, he carries so much water for Putin's Russia he should be called Comrade Trump.   IF Trump was Nixon then one could see these moves as attempts to form a better relationship with Russia, but Trump is no Richard Nixon, he is that that devious or clever.  No US President has carried this much political arrows for Russia, so what next in the Russian investigation, will Congress find a real smoking gun that shows that Russia worked with Trump, thus far it has gotten close with Trump Junior email release, but that is not enough, they need to show that either Trump or Russia did something as a plan, thus far they have nothing.    This investigation could last YEARS.

Trump and Russia - New US Sanctions

Lets Get Real:

On the whole most US Presidents would be fine with sanctions on Russia, Reagan even joked once that he  had outlawed the USSR and the US would be bombing, it was a sound test for a speech he was going to make, while Trump is seen as carrying water for Putin's Russia.  It has been said that the Democrats have found their inner Reagan, they almost sound like the want WAR with Russia over HRC losing in 2016.   It shows how political the issue has become, while Republicans base has gotten over its view of Russia as a threat, except those that were never Trump in the first place.   The Trump Oval has to get the fact that Putin's Russia is a THREAT to the US national security, and a threat to NATO.  Either Russia has something on Trump, if so the US Congress must find out or the Special Prosecutor could discover something.  If there is no there, there, then Trump has to learn a lesson, that most recent US Presidents have found, they can NOT TRUST President Putin of Russia. 

The White House is a REAL DUMP - Donald Trump

Lets Get Real:

IF POTUS is so fed up with the White House why does he not just quit, the Oval Office one had the likes of FDR, JFK, and Ronald Reagan, great Presidents who achieved a lot of the US and the World.   The Trump Presidency has been a disaster, staff in and out of the White House, policy is made by twitter, the Republican Congress does not fear Trump, thus the failure to pass reform of ObamaCare.   The Republicans should consider if they should impeach Trump and get VP Pence in to the White House, one would think he would like the White House. 

The US vs. North Korea - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Thus the Trump Oval is going for the talks strategy, they are hoping something happens, that there is a coup in North Korea, or China fearing that Japan and South Korea will get the bomb will take out the NK leadership.   This strategy can work only as long as the NK regime can not place a small nuclear warhead on top of its ICBM. The question is when NK gets a small warhead not if, a few have suggested that NK could get a small warhead on a ICBM by next year, thus are we looking at a major war in Asia in 2018.   There is no real good solution this crisis, in many ways the future is up to the NK, if they press too far with a nuclear test or achieve their aims of getting a nuclear ICBM then there will be a WAR.