Lets Get Real:
This is commentary folks, the uber liberal NYT just wants to raise taxes, what the voter did on Election day was keep the present gridlock in place, the Obama Coattails did not make the Democrats the majority party in the House, without the House no grand deal. Any economic recession from the US going over the cliff would be a Obama recession, the voters that elected POTUS for a 2nd term as not the same voters that voted to keep the Republican House. Lets be clear President Obama go re-elected on a narrow margin when looking back to 2008. The US is split, the Oval could appeal on the TV and the new media for public support for tax hikes, but that group are not Republican primary voters, and they tend not to vote in Mid Terms, thus the reason that the Republicans took the House in 2010. The Republican members of the House face re-election in 2014, they tend to be in safe seats, thus the main threat is in the primary, thus they have to keep their party base happy, that base has no interest in tax hikes, also the Speaker wants to keep his job as Speaker, thus he has to keep members on board. The White House will find as other 2nd term Presidents have found their power wanes faster than they thought, the Democrats and Republicans will get getting ready for 2014 and 2016 and the Obama will not be on the ticket. That might be the hardest lesson that Obama learns in the Oval, that he does not matter, none of them like that, that is the bubble of the Oval.