Telegraph: Reports the following on the fight between the US Senate Intelligence Committee and the CIA, " Mr Obama ended the programme in 2009 but also ruled out prosecuting CIA agents or senior officials involved. ".
Lets Get Real:
One has to wonder why this has come out now, its hardly in the interest of the US for the Bush 43 era methods to deal with the threat of terrorism to come out, as it hurts the US image, also with the Snowden leaks this does not help President Obama on the big stage, one can postulate that this is political, the Democrats want the base to come out in the 2014 Mid Terms, the extreme left hates the CIA and the US Government, this move by a Democrat would appeal to the liberal base, if it does nothing for the image of the US. Also when it comes to the terrorism after 9/11 the US voter wanted tough action, not some liberal hand holding, they wanted President Bush to go after the terrorist threat, the Democrats do not want Republicans to argue that liberals and Democrats care more about the rights of terrorists than the people of the US. In politics its about winning, if you make your opposition look anti American and weak and it sticks you can win, appealing to the base alone does not get your re-elected or hold the US Senate.