Monday, September 26, 2022

Russian CALL - UP Update - Ukraine - Russian War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus so far the resistance has been limited and on the whole Russian security can deal with them, but one only has to look at what happened in 1917, when Russia was on the backfoot with World War 1, the Soldiers marched with their feet, thus Putin has to worry about the following, the HARD RIGHT in Russia is blaming the Russian Defence Department for the failures in the Ukraine, they want more extreme action, thus the use of tactical nuclear weapons, Putin must be aware from the US that is a no go area, if Putin did use a tactical nuclear weapon in the Ukraine that would drag in NATO and the US, then it all could get out of hand.  On the hand, Putin would see what happened to Tsar Nicholas II when he as forced to abdicate in 1917 when the Russia was going down the toilet due to World War 1, thus Putin does not want to be a failed leader, he has made to many enemies, so what does Putin do, does he wait in till WINTER and hope to break Western Europe when it comes to sanctions, or does try to get a dirty deal with the WEST, another Munich were the Western Europe sells out the Ukraine, for the increase of Russian gas that fuels the Western Economy.  One could expect the Germans, French, Hungary and maybe ITALY who have a new right wing government to place pressure on the Ukraine to give Putin what he wants, one can only hope that the US and the UK would oppose that move.  The next few days will be critical for Russia and Western Europe. 

Russian Resistance to Putin's Call Up - Ukraine - Russian War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Putin always knew that a partial call up would cause problems, thus the reason that he has called up men from the outer areas of Russia, less so with the larger Cities, but even then those that have protested have been arrested and sent to the front line in the Ukraine.  President Putin has major military problem, the Ukraine Army has gained in the North East of the Ukraine, this has shocked the Kremlin and Russian Army, Kremlin has declared that it wants three hundred thousand men who have had previous military experience, to be called up, it seems the recruiting personnel have been over eager to please the Kremlin, eve taking those that are either far to old or should not be called up.  The big development will be when the results of the 4 referendums are declared, PUTIN can then argue that the Kremlin has the obligation to defend the new areas that have joined Russia, even with the use of tactical nuclear weapons, PUTIN is either doing the biggest bluff or he means it when it says that the Kremlin will use ALL means to defend the lands of Mother Russia, even those areas absorbed from the Ukraine.  The next few weeks could be VERY dangerous.