BBC News: Reports that a Federal Court in Washington D.C has decided that President Obama made illegal appointments when the US Congress was in recess.
Lets Get Real:
Is this a political omen folks, all 2nd term Presidencies have one scandal or a disaster, and they tend to have started in the 1st term, Watergate for Nixon after 72, Iran - Contra for Reagan after 84, Clinton was impeached after his 96 win, and Bush 43 had Iraq and the collapse of the Western economic system, thus will Obama overreach, of course he will, they ALL do folks, a second term President is like a ancient King, he thinks he is Gods gift, that his judgement far above any other mortal, and that the system can not go on without him, Obama arrogance is well known, it would be ironic if the Nobel Prize winner fell due to a charge by the UN that he had broken international law due to the use of drones, he is the Godfather of these strikes, he green lights the kill list with the national security council. One doubts that the UN would be that bold, but it does raise some interesting talk on the political left.