Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Ukraine invades Russia - Russian-Ukraine WAR - Biden Era

 Guardian reports that the Ukraine has done a small invasion of Russia.

Lets Get Real:

This will embarce Putin, and show that he is a weak leader, if the Ukraine can divert Russian troops from the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, that is good on the strategical level and will uplift the morale of the people of the Ukraine.    This might force the Russian people to question the Putin leadership, also if it carries on, cause a coup by the Russian Army or the elites in Russia, this War needs to end with victory for the Ukraine before the November election in the US, just in case Trump wins.

UK Troops on standby to help UK Citizens stuck in Lebanon

BBC News Reports that UK has set a thousand UK troops on standby to help UK Citizens leave Lebanon. 

Lets Get Real:

At when it comes to this type of operation the British Armed Forces are the BEST, if needed they will get ALL the Brits out.  CNN reports that Iran is getting ready to take action, lets hope its limited and no one gets hurt, and Israel takes limited retribution, those are big If's.   Sometime the West will have to deal with a nuclear armed Iran, Israel will never allow that to happen! A NUCLEAR IRAN would be a danger to the Middle East and the West.

RCP Average of polls has Harris beating Trump by 0.5%- 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

RealClearPolitics has the Average of the Harris 47.4%, Trump 46.9%, Harris leading by 0.5%.

Lets Get Real:

Thus the Harris/Walz ticket is on a roll, I want to see the VP do some though interviews on Foreign Policy, on the Ukraine and Gaza/Israel.  This blog does not mind if Harris is liberal, this blog has soft spot for LBJ, but President Johnson was tough on foreign policy, you can't be liberal at home and abroad.   The Democratic Convention next!