Monday, February 04, 2019

The DIRTY POLITICS of Virginia Part 2 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

IF the Lt Governor is to be believed then the Governor is behind this alleged sexual assault smear.   They play dirty pool in Democratic politics.   One has to ask what the Democratic Establishment was doing, a, by allowing Northam to get the Democratic Nomination for Governor and b, not doing complete research on Fairfax, so this alleged allegation could be dismissed and the press could be shown before the story broke that it was NOT TRUE.   It will be interesting to see how the liberal news media play both stories, on the Governor they want him OUT, that is VERY CLEAR, on Fairfax they should recall the allegations of sexual miss conduct by Bill Clinton, it's not a matter of LAW it is about POLITICS.   The Democratic candidates for the Presidency in 2020 might want to avoid Virginia, it's CAUSES to many questions.   POTUS will be laughing his backside off, he can now with a straight face point the finger at the Democrats when it comes to race or gender issues and how they have come up short, the Democrats have allowed hubris to take them over, everyone is human, and we ALL have clay feet. 

The DIRTY POLITICS of Virginia - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

This blog will not comment on either the Northam or Fairfax case, in the case of the Governor he at first he stated he was in a racist photo, either he blacked up or was wearing a KKK outfit, then at a press conference he stated that it was not him.  He did admit that he blacked up for a singing contest when he was young.  The Democratic Party has called for his resignation, thus far he has refused. As for Lt Governor Fairfax he points out that no real news source has backed up the story and has denied that any sexual assault took place.  This blog is interested in the politics, Democrats strategis must be pulling THEIR hair out, how can they go after Trump with both the Governor and Lt Governor involved in alleged race and sex scandals, both deny them, but in this 24/7 news world that does not count.  A smear can hurt and can be heard around the World before the TRUTH comes out.  For 2020 Democratic candidates Virginia could be very TRICKY, the candidates who solve the problem will be the ones left standing for Iowa and NH in 2020. 

VP Biden LEADS in IOWA - 2020 Update - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Its FEBRUARY folks, we have a YEAR to go.   Let's recall that VP Biden has not entered the race yet, the uber LIBERAL New York Times has already putting out any fires that might cause Biden not to run, his foundations and other structures, also his speeches.   As to Senator Harris she might have blown it already by her comments at a CNN town meeting, she stated that her plan was to abolish private medical insurance, the US voter will recalls Barack Obama's false claim, if you liked your Doctor you could keep him/her, thus when you get into the weeds with private medical insurance people go off the idea of losing THEIR cover.  As for Senator Sanders and Warren they are to LIBERAL, Warren wants to tax the rich to the point that it would make the US look like the 1970s all over again.  As to Senator Booker he has just entered the race, this blog agrees with President Trump, he will not be the Democratic Nominee, he does not have "IT", whatever you might think of Barack Obama he has charisma, Booker is no Obama.   Thus this blog is still waiting for that RIGHT candidate, he or she needs to be LIBERAL on domestic issues but not to liberal, does not pander and is to the right of Vlad the Impaler when it comes to foreign policy. 

Venezuelan Update - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The US has to be ready to send in the troops, Presidents Reagan and Bush 41 both used force in the Americas, Maduro has destroyed the oil rich Venezuela, his LEFT WING regime is corrupt and destroyed Venezuela from within.   President Trump will get flak if he takes action, the LEFT in the US has never gotten over Vietnam and the Iraq War of Bush 43.  The Crisis in Venezuela has to be solved soon, if Maduro will not go and the Army will not support the people then the US must consider taking swift and hard military action against Maduro.   The Russians will complain, but what are they going to do, they are hardly going to support Maduro, they will not declare WW3 over the issue.  The Trump Oval has to be tough and follow through with its threats. 

Brexit Update 1 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

IF these ARCH Brexit and Remain supporters come up with a solution it will be VERY hard for the EU to say NO.   They would understand that this solution would be the ONLY way for the House of Commons to pass a withdrawal agreement.  There have been reports that HARD REMAINERS within the Conservative and Labour Parties will split from their Parties and form a new Party, a Pro Remain Party.  Why form a new Party when they Liberal Democrats are very pro Remain.  If the MPs do form a new Party it might help the Government, they will hardly support a Labour Party No Confidence vote because they will need the time to set up a local structure, otherwise if they vote for a Labour motion they face losing their seats.  The EU has become a secular religion for some of our MPs, what's the attraction, some of them are flushing their political careers down the toilet, there are other issues, if your not a MP then you are not in the room, also if you are not in the two main political parties you will never have REAL POWER.   We live interesting times.