CNN - Politics: Reports the following on the role of Bill Clinton in the 2016 Presidential Election, " Responder-in-chief: A familiar role for Bill Clinton. ".
Lets Get Real:
The idea that Bill Clinton should be 1st attack dog is not a good idea, he had that role in 2008 and comments he made about President Obama allowed those on the left who supported Obama to call the former President a racist, this was ironic as Clinton was seen as the 1st Black President. While Clinton is a effective campaigner for himself, he is not so in control when it comes to defending his wife, or as a major support, in all the races that Clinton has taken an active part only a few of those candidates have won. The best role for Bill Clinton is as a fund raiser, Hillary Clinton has to be seen as standing for herself, not a 3rd term for Bill Clinton. Any Presidential race is about the future, not the past, and Bill is the past.