Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The EU reaction to the UK request for a DELAY, Part 2 - Brexit Update 2 - NO BREXIT

Lets Get Real:

This blog has SERIOUS OCD, one is getting the feeling that our MPs in the House of Commons has my syndrome, they should take my tablets and learn that going around in circles is not HEALTHY. On present reading it's the HARD REMAINERS, they are stuck in their trenches, our brave Soldiers moved more between 1914 - 1918 than our Lords and Masters have moved. The HARD REMAINERS want more weeks, months for more endless debate, they have not gotten the FACT, that it is OVER, the EU has had enough, they do not want this issue to go on for YEARS. One gets the impression that France just wants it OVER, it does not need the internal problems in France to get caught up in the Euro elections, there are rumours that the French President wants to veto a delay, just push the UK out on March 29th, one would almost like him too. Then everyone can blame the French and get on with our lives.

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