Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Russian response to PEACE TALKS with Ukraine - Russian - Ukraine War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

The above shows that the Russians can never be trusted, they want a WAR of attrition , they want to wear down the Kyiv Forces, as stated this is going to be like World War 1, 1914 - 18, and let's recall the Germans were the first to use gas, so Putin might decide to use chemical weapons on Mariupol or Chernihiv, Putin has nothing to lose, the idea that he will be having a hand shake with the US President or the UK PM is for fantasy land, that is not on the cards in the future, it would look bad to Western voters, that their leaders are with a WAR CRIMINAL in a meeting, thus Putin has made sure he is the number one rogue nation, invading a DEMOCRATIC STATE and his LIES to the West.  The West has to find a way to get tanks and fighter jets to the Kyiv Government, also they have to keep up sanctions, the Putin inner circle might be all right but the Russian people on the street have seen their roubles hit rock bottom, and the economy is in the toilet. 

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