Sunday, April 17, 2011

Split in Democratic Party ? = Afghanistan

CNN: Reports that the Democratic Majority Leader in the Senate, Senator Harry Reid has stated that he is not confident about the result of the Afghanistan Campaign. One has to wonder did Senator Reid tell the Oval he was going to make this statement. The Afghan War was the War that Candidate Obama wanted to fight in 08, he has made two surges in Afghanistan, lets get real here folks, the Taliban/Al Qaeda read the news from the States, if they see a split within the Democrats leadership they might think this is the best time to really have a go at NATO troops in Afghanistan. Also as noted in previous blog posts the Obama approval ratings are in the toilet, thus in many respects Obama could turn to another LBJ. This Summer/Spring there is expected heavy fighting in Afghanistan, lets see if NATO can cope and if the Kabul Government can control areas under its suppose control. Is 2011/212 turning in to another 1968 for the Democrats.

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