Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The End of the Republican Race

BBC News: Reports that the presumptive Republican Nominee Governor Mitt Romney is looking to win in “ New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Delaware and Rhode Island ”.

Lets Get Real:

This race was over when Senator Rick Santorum suspended his Presidential Campaign, this is a matter of form, the election process reaching its end. The Romney Campaign has to direct 100% of its strategy to the General Election Campaign. It could be argued that Romney should be bold, it’s the custom to announce the VP choice at the National Convention, it can be argued that Romney should go early, and pick a woman, that would finish any idea that the Democrats have of saying that Republicans are at WAR with women. On the other hand as the article notes, there is great speculation that the Florida Senator Marco Rubio is at the top of the VP list, as this would help with the Latino vote. Thus the Campaign after a deep background check of Rubio and if it is clear should pick him and take the fight to the Oval. Those who dare win folks.

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