Monday, April 23, 2012

Turning Point - Eurozone Crisis

Guardian Live - Euro: Reports that with the 1st round success of Francois Hollande in France, the fall of the Coalition Government in the Netherlands and demonstrations in the Czech Republic, the EU faces “ …three separate events illustrate a major turning point is the eurozone crisis. ”.

Lets Get Real:

At its most basic folks the EU Elite have tried to keep the Euro at the cost of eye watering austerity that hits people, the problem for the elite of the EU is the fact that Europe is a Democracy, people are the final judges, if they will not accept the tough austerity packages of their Governments they can VOTE them OUT or the Governments fall due to internal problems, this has happened to the PIIGS, France, now Netherlands. Sooner or later folks a brave EU politicians is going to put his career first not that of the EU. Lets see if its President Sarkozy.

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