Monday, April 23, 2012

UK Losses Today - Market Meltdown

Telegraph Live - Euro: Reports in its 5.25pm post that 27.6 billion pounds was wiped off the value of Shares today in the UK.

Lets Get Real:

Folks this up and down in the Market wont stop in till the EU has major reform of the Euro and the Welfare State. As for the Euro the PIIGS have to get out, they are like a cancer, they are eating the system form inside, and there is no cure. When it comes to the Welfare State the old post 1945 model has to be reformed, the left has to grow up, the UK and the rest of the EU with the exception of Germany is broke. The Welfare bill, and that includes heath never goes down, just up and up. The population is aging, there are not enough young people working to fund the system, the reforms by the EU to prevent people being forced to retire means that the young have even a less chance of getting a job. Thus the Euro and the Welfare State will kill the Euro, if EU politicians are not careful it will also kill off the EU.

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