Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Trump and the US Congress - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

POTUS is playing to his base, he wants any Government closed down to be the fault of the Democrats, he knows that the bases wants TAX CUTS not TAX INCREASES, the Democrats always want to increase taxes, Bush 41 promised no new taxes in 1988 and then folded once in power, this cost him his re-election in 1992.   The Oval has to try and get the Republicans in the Senate to pass a tax cut, that would be a great victory.

The Republicans are always on safe ground when they support tax cuts, limited government and being tough on Russia, on this last part the Trump Oval is far to nice to the Russians, whatever the reason.  One does wonder if the old FSB, the successor to the KGB has anything on Trump, otherwise why is POTUS so nice to the Russians.

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