Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Split in Democrats OVER NSA Spaying - 2nd Term Blues

BBC News: Reports that House Democrats will support the Republican Amash amendment to block the NSA spaying on Americans. 

Lets Get Real:

Lets recall folks that the 2014 Mid Term Elections is around the corner, the liberal base of the Democratic Party will be asked for money by Congressional Democrats, the extreme liberal base reject the idea of BIG GOVERNMENT, if this was happening under a Republican President there would be calls for a Watergate type investigation, but since this is the 1st African American President and liberal to boot, they left on the whole has been quite, but they will want their people on the Hill to support any move to curb the power of the NSA, thus folks, lets see what pressure that the base places on the HILL, if the Republicans retake the White House in 2017 expect the Democrats to return to normal, by 2017 they will be going bonkers, the Obama Administration is not pure liberal as they expected, they will need to vent by 2017. 

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