Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Blair / Brown FEUD

The Daily Mail: Reports on the only UK interview that former Labour PM Tony Blair will give for the publication of his memoirs, the article states from sources that Mr Blair will blame Mr Brown for the May Defeat of Labour, Mr Blair will say that Mr Brown diverted from the New Labour Agenda. It seems from Blair down, through Lord Mandelson that the founders want someone to blame for the Labour loss in May, thus they have a simple target with Gordon Brown. As Mr Brown is in self exile in Scotland with the odd visit to the House of Commons the picture will be frozen in the minds of people that Mr Brown was a flawed character who diverted from New Labour with his spending spree and thus cost Labour a fourth term in power. As Mr Brown does not do people well, just ask Mrs Duffy, the picture will become the fact and Mr Brown will always be considered one of the worst PMs in UK history.

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