Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Chemical Weapons USE in Syria - Update 3

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks what will the UN, EU do about this, answer, NOTHING, the Russians will veto any action by the UN, they need to keep their naval base, the EU will complain and DO NOTHING, thus folks, the US, UK and France down the line will have to take action, if the use of chemical weapons is proven the Oval will have no choice, it can not be seen to appease the Assad Regime, as weakness as stated could lead to Israeli action over Iran, thus we could see another Libya, but with the US at the front this time, leading from behind will not do over Syria.    If it was a Republican President one would have expected more of a call from the elite press for action, but its a Democrat and the first African - American President, so they cover, but that cover can not last, does the Oval want to take action in 2014 before the US Congressional Mid Terms, think not, therefore the window of action is later this year, the same when it comes to Iran, the liberal left will bail on the Oval if Obama takes military actin against Syria or Iran or both, thus in pure political terms best to take action in 2013, with the hope they will be quick and successful campaigns, then go in to 2014 as a successful war leader, but that depends what Assad does folks, the Assad Regime might go for broke later on this year or in 2014, they could really damage the Obama Presidency, not with the elite press but in history, weak leaders never get a good report card, even the extreme liberal elite do not have that power, how every much they think they do, thus watch this space folks. 

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