Thursday, March 07, 2013

North Korean THREAT to US - Korean Crisis 2

Lets Get Real:

The North Koreans should be careful, after 9/11 the US voter has very low level of patience for this kind of threat,  the OVAL knows its rubbish, that the Stalinist Regime would be killing itself if it even tried a major military attack, the US voter might be less calm, after the successful nuclear test by North Korea and its ICBM launch.   The Democrats on the Hill will be placing pressure on the Oval to make sure that it does not look weak when it is threatened by North Korea.    It can be postulated that Japan and South Korea will start to wonder should they get the bomb, if the US does not deal with a nuclear armed North Korea, the actions of North Korea could lead to a arms race in the region, as a Iran with the bomb would lead to a arms race in the Middle East.   In the short term the UN and the US can just expect just bluster out of North Korea, but watch this space folks. 

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