Sunday, August 10, 2014

Iraq Update - Iraq Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The US strikes was a wise move by President Obama, the OVAL keeps stating that there will be no ground troops sent to Iraq, this is VERY UNWISE, the Islamic State or ISISI can not pushed back or destroyed without the use of ground troops, the Oval has to get over its ego, President Obama used Iraq to get elected, well now the Oval has to sell the idea of getting troops back in to combat, IF Iraq falls to the ISIS, the Oval will be eating their dust for the last two of his Administration, oil prices could go up and the land held by ISIS could train terrorists to attack the West, this would be a massive negative for the OBAMA LEGACY, POTUS ran on his record against Al Qaeda, that he had taken them down, well the franchise has moved on, ISIS is now a major threat to the Middle East and the West.  

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