Friday, March 27, 2015

Yemen Update - Yemen Crisis

Lets Get Real:

AS noted in this blog the politics of the Middle East are murky and ironic, if your a main street voter in the US you must be thinking WTF just happened, on side of the Yemen Civil War you have Saudi Arabia supported by the US going to invade Yemen to prevent a Tehran supporting group taken power, while in Iraq the US is providing semi air cover for Iraqi forces and groups that belong to Iran.   It should be noted as the London Times reported this morning that because the new Iraqi government has requested US air support for the battle for Tikirt the Iran's forces have withdrawn in a sulk.   On top of that at the strategic level, Tehran and the US are dealing on a nuclear agreement, that is not supported by Israel and the Sunni Gulf States.   It will be interesting to comment on the coming events over the next few days, who will win and who will retreat. 

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