Thursday, May 16, 2013

NYT and Benghazi - 2nd Obama Term

The New York Times: Reports the following on the released Benghazi emails and the removal of terrorism from the final talking points, " It remained unclear.....whether......the State Department’s played the dominant role in having them removed. ".

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks the LIBERAL NYT has made a choice, since it could never attack President Obama, the  someone who has to take the fall for the Benghazi mess is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, even the liberal giant can see that some political blood has to be released, also with Hillary Clinton out of the race a more liberal candidate has a chance of getting the nomination.  At the end of the day the Clinton's are about the Clinton's, thus the NYT would not have that much influence with the Clinton Camp.  The most interest part of the Benghazi scandal is how quiet the Bill and Hillary Clinton have been, if they were really going to fight one would have assumed that their CAMP would have been leaking against the Oval, so far they have been quiet.   Lets see if the Clinton's really want to go back to the White House, thus far they might be the political casualties of the Libyan terrorist attacks, lets get very real, Bill and Hillary want to be back in the White House, it what gets them up in the morning, the fight might have gone out of them folks.  The Old  Big Dog, just might be old. 

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