Thursday, May 16, 2013

Benghazi Scandal - 2nd Obama Term

Lets Get Real:

Folks both the BBC and the Guardian line are following the White House line that it was down to the CIA, that the reductions came from them, this just does not fly, for the days the White House Press Secretary has been stating that the White House had a minor role in the talking points, the emails show that the WH was active part of the process, also the emails undercut the statements by Hillary Clinton that she did not know it was a terror attack at the time, US diplomats in Libya at the time told her it was a terror attack, also the CIA stated that fact.  Lets not forget there are CIA whistle blowers who want to come forward, lets see the level of pressure on the  CIA from the the White House and US State Department.  The impression that this blog gets is that Oval is throwing Secretary Clinton under the bus, an observation that this blog made days ago.  More to come folks. 

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