Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Irish Austerity and the Eurozone

The New York Times: Reports that 40,000 thousand people have left Ireland due to the wreck of an Irish economy. The Irish Government as the article states has been praised by Germany and France for its tough austerity package, but this has come on the back of massive cuts in the public sector through wages being cut and cuts in government spending, tax hikes, and as the article notes the common theme is that the Irish are living week by week. Thus while the Germans and French might be smiling it’s the Irish that are paying the costs for this austerity. A friend of this blog in Ireland states that there is constant worry about employment and the costs of every day living.

1 comment:

Xide29 said...

Cuts have indeed been made to the public sector but, the pay and pensions of many civil servants are still protected by the Croke Park Agreements which the present government will not tackle. Many of Ireland's top Civil Servants are still on ridiculous amounts of pay and the bankers, regulators and former politicians have got away Scot free unlike the rest of the general population.