Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Low Skilled workers - Part 2 - Brexit Update 2 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

As stated by this blog, any changes to UK migration will be done over time, the Conservative Party is the Party of business, those sectors that require low skilled workers have made it CLEAR that business would suffer if the supply of low skilled workers was stopped, this would damage the economy.   It can be postulated that those with concerns about migration will on the whole support the new policy, it gives the PR that something is being done, and is so far in the future that a Labour Government could be more open as is the present Labour Party.   The main point is that everyone will be treated the same when it comes to high skilled jobs, and those low skilled jobs will still have access to EU citizens who want work in those sectors.   At then end of the day as long as the UK controls its borders and Parliament is sovereign, the UK voter would be happy, well as happy as they ever are with our Lords and Masters. 

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