Sunday, December 21, 2008

Death in Afghanistan

BBC News: Reports on the death of another UK Soldier in Afghanistan, the total of the dead now stands at 135. Of late the US has been critical of UK strategy in Afghanistan, the common wisdom is that President Obama will ask for more troops from the UK, well lets just say NO. The UK are taking heavy losses if you think about the size of our Force level and the casualties. It is time for the NATO Allies to do some sacrifice, why is it always us and the USA. Its about time we made the NATO Allies pay for the protection of the USA and the UK. Thus PM Gordon Brown should follow the example of the late Labour PM Harold Wilson and say no to troops but support NATO sending more troops to Afghanistan. If the government of Pakistan was to fall the terrorists could get their hands on the bomb, or if there is a war between Pakistan and India the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan would be open border to the terrorists. Thus next year Obama has two follow a twin track, Diplomatic, get India and Pakistan back on the same page when dealing with terrorism and nuclear issues, also get Pakistan to clean house on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. If the Obama surge fails next year in Afghanistan, Afghanistan could do to Obama what Iraq has done to Bush. The early days of an Obama Administration should have the CIA and MI6 on high alert, it can be postulated that the terrorists will try something, the question is when and what is the target, the homeland USA or Europe, of course as stated they could try a Tet style offensive in Iraq or Afghanistan. Lets hope all EYES AND EARS ARE OPEN.

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