Friday, September 07, 2012

The Friday Hangover - US Unemployment

Telegraph: Reports the following on jobs created in August in the US, " ..96,000 new jobs in August, a figure that was well below economists’ expectations. ".

Lets Get Real:

On one level the fall of the US unemployment rate to 8.1% is good for Team Obama, the major problem is the fact that over three hundred and sixty thousand Americans just gave up looking for a job because there are no jobs. Thus the fall will swamp the Obama speech from last night, this might not be a bad thing, the Telegraph notes the following on the speech, " The subdued address was described as “workmanlike” by pundits on both sides of the political divide,..". If you think the Government is the solution and tax hikes always work then you will have liked the speech, if your REAL PERSON and live in the REAL WORLD, you know different, liberals or Labour always spend other peoples money and then leave a mess, Obama is NO Bill Clinton, at least Clinton was a policy geek, while Obama just thinks his own rhetoric is real. Lets see what the polls are like after a few days folks, will Team Obama get a bounce from the DNC, time will tell folks.

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