Sunday, April 21, 2013

Bush 43 Presidential Library - Bush Era

The New York Times: Reports on the opening of the Presidential Library of Bush 43.

Lets Get Real:

The article is fair folks, its a straight report, no real political attacks on Bush 43, the Library opening will  see President Obama, Bill Clinton, Bush 41 and Jimmy Carter in attendance.  Of all the Presidential Libraries, this  one and the Ronald Reagan Library would be great Presidential Libraries to visit, this blog recalls reading that the Reagan Presidential Library is a top tourist attraction in California, also it has Air Force One, the plane that carried the body of  President Kennedy back from Dallas, Texas in 1963.  A Presidential Library is to celebrate a President, thus any major disasters are there, that is not the point, thus the Nixon Library has Watergate,  Reagan has Iran - Contra, Clinton has his impeachment, from the report Bush 43 will have Iraq and the banking collapse.   A Presidential Library is there to carry on the message of the President, allow the President to be active in different interests, its not objective, even after a President dies, the families of dead Presidents still have influence on the Library.   Recall reading that Nancy Reagan still has an office at the Reagan Presidential Library, also Presidents and their families can keep troublesome material under lock and key for years.  Still worth a visit folks, just recall its not totally objective!. 

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