Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Obama’s Class Warfare Election Theme

Telegraph: Reports that debate about the Buffett Rule and tax policy will show US voters “ a preview of debates they will hear over the next seven months. ”. The problem that President Obama has is this time he has a economic, health and foreign policy record, he has to defend his Administration record, and at its core is ObamaCare, the Obama Oval made a serious political mistake, it thought the US voter would come around to it, this has not happened, in fact it has become more unpopular, should the US Supreme Court find that the individual mandate legal then the Oval will have to defend it through the General Election, that is not a great political move, it’s the one issue that moderate and independent voters will not forgive Obama for, thus the US Obama would be holed very much like the Titanic. On other hand should the US Supreme Court find that the Individual Mandate is not legal but keeps the rest of ObamaCare this creates a major a problem for Obama, the Republican House wont fund it, and he will have to go back to the voter with no major domestic success, the way to fund ObamaCare, tax hikes, lets see Democratic Senators and House Members run on that, it would make keeping the Titanic afloat look easy, yes that bad folks. Thus POTUS has shown himself to be a tax and spend liberal, nothing new, therefore easy to defeat.

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