Wednesday, April 22, 2009

CIA - Torture worked on Terrorists Reports that the CIA has confirmed that torture worked on terrorists held by the USA and prevented further attacks. This is a fight Obama cant win, with his terrorist friend from his Chicago days, his smiles with the President of Venezuela, his desperate attempts to talk to Iran and his foolish policy in Afghanistan, Obama should learn not to pander to the left. It make him popular for the day and then the Republicans,Conservatives and moderates will argue that Obama has turned in to Jimmy Carter. Lets recall Jimmy Carter started out in the same way in some respects, giving up the Panama Canal, the SALT 11 Treaty with the USSR, and restrictions on the CIA. Then the floor fell in, the USSR invaded Afghanistan, the revolution in Iran and the hostages. Obama should recall that it was Foreign Policy that bought down Carter, not the economy, thus weakness gets you a kick up the backside or in political terms, you don't get re-elected.

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