Thursday, April 02, 2009

NATO - No Troops for Afghanistan

The New York Times: Reports that Obama will not get much more troops out of NATO, the NYT writes the following, " ... they are giving him very few new troops on the ground, underlining the fundamental strains in the alliance. " On this issue one can understand why most of NATO don't want to get their hands dirty, Afghanistan is the last place on this God's Earth that you would send troops, Vietnam is the other. The War in Afghanistan is Obama's War, as reported yesterday on CNN News the Obama Administration is looking at the end of the year to send another ten thousand troops in to Operational Theatre. It has been reported in the London Times, that the UK will send another two thousand troops, this will give the UK a ten thousand troops presence in Afghanistan. Lets recall in the 19th Century we lost sixteen thousand troops and civilian staff on the march out of Afghanistan. On the other hand what the point of training the Police as is the wish of some NATO countries if they need Western Defence. The one time you would wish for Obama to act like left wing Liberal is over Afghanistan, but he is acting like LBJ. Afghanistan is not a place to fight, we should move our resources to the Tribal areas of Pakistan, clean out the Taliban/Terrorists, build a civic structure in these badlands, allow for better roads, secular schools, hospitals, and other forms of civic society. Obama is another LBJ folks. Read of the Day.

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