Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hillary Clinton and Libya - PT2

Guardian: Reports the following on Secretary Clinton at the Libyan hearing, " On Wednesday she took an extra trip – to the woodshed. ". 

Lets Get Real:

As the article notes US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton could have found out the truth about the Libyan terrorists attack by one phone call, but form prevented her, one could say if LBJ had bothered to  phone to Captain of the US Ship that was supposed to have been attacked by the North Vietnam and was not he might not have started the full throttle war in Vietnam.   In the UK when a Minister becomes the hostage of the system, he or she are considered house trained, it seems that the State Department trained Clinton, to be a Diplomat, that not the same thing as fighting the US corner.    This admission of failure by Clinton could haunt her in 2016, the Republicans will ask if she will ask the right questions should she have to deal with another crisis, thus this blog will go as far to predict that Clinton will not be the Democratic nominee in 2016,  US politics is ruthless folks, some Democrat will come along and make it an issue by not making it an issue, sink the Clinton ship under the water, that is politics 101 folks. 

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