Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Obama on his Agenda

The New York Times: Reports on President Obama's comments to Senate Democrats, the President stressed jobs should be the main priority, the article states the following, " While he implored Congress to press forward on health care legislation, he said initiatives to create jobs should also take priority. " This is why health care reform is dead folks, by the time the Congress is finished with the Budget and getting more people back to work you will have the Mid Term Congressional Elections, the House and the Senate are not going to commit political suicide to make President Obama feel happy. Thus Health Care Reform will gather dust somewhere, of course the liberal leadership in Congress could be mad, they could try to push health care reform, but the cost would be the loss of Congress and the Republicans in control, neither the White House or the Democrats on the Hill want that outcome, thus the reform is dead for this year, the Obama White House has to stress jobs, jobs and jobs for the next eight months if they want to keep Congress.

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