Thursday, April 24, 2008

NYT and Pennsylvania

New York Times: One night your the victor, a double digit win, next your a bad winner. In the view of the Liberal New York Times, the Clinton victory last night was an " ..another inconclusive result..." in other words it only counts if the Obama wins. The Liberal Times is split, in its heart it supports Obama, but its political head tells it Clinton is the only Democrat that can win the general election. As Obama leads in the Delegate count and popular vote, one has to discount Florida and Michigan as they broke the rules, he should get the nomination, but the head is telling the Times that Obama cant cut it with Reagan Democrats, Clinton has won the big states, in other words the LIBERAL NEW YORK TIMES is having a break down, a lot like its lost sales. Thus we see Clinton win PA, the victory was seen as using the Republican methods, the Times writes the following, Clinton used " ...Karl Rove’s playbook.." That is not a compliment from the Times, but Rove helped President George W. Bush win in Texas as Governor and then as President in 2000 and 2004. Times get over yourself, Go Hillary.

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