Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Putin's Economic Meltdown - Great Russia under Threat

Lets Get Real:

The West would have helped Russia before it took over the Crimea, allowed Russian rebels to shoot down a plane in East Ukraine, now it is in the interest of the West to see Russia go through this economic mess.    The West could make a deal with Putin, he gets out of Crimea and East Ukraine then the West will help the Russian rouble.  Of course there is the chance that Putin will want to shift the focus to the Baltic States, yes an attack on the Baltic States, members of NATO.   It is not new for politicians who are in trouble at home to seek an international crisis, the Russian economy of today is tied to the West, not the case in the time of the USSR.    The Russian economy can bleed, and that is a threat to Putin.  Watch this developing, trouble is ahead. 

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