Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Reagan or LBJ for America

CNN News: Article on how those that worked or supported either Reagan or LBJ are back in the political trenches, Reagan supporters see the Obama Economic Plan as another Great Society 11, while LBJ supporters think Obama is following on from LBJ. In policy terms Obama is closer to LBJ than Reagan, in fact Reagan was critical of LBJ for the debt that the Great Society had created. Obama has allowed the left to hijack his agenda, his Stimulus Act was written by the Liberal Congressional Leadership. As has been noted by historians, the New Deal of FDR did not work, it took World War Two to get the USA out of the Great Depression. The Great Society might have helped a few but looking at the African - American community one has to ask, what about those that it left behind, singe parents, lack of jobs, lack of high standard education, bad schools, high level of African - American men in jail. Thus what was great about the Great Society. It was Reagan and his tax cuts that turned the USA around in the 80s. These tax cuts and heavy defence spending helped all ethnic groups and genders.

On the political front Obama is the heir to Reagan as in communication, is he the next Great Communicator, well that to early to say, the left wing press is all over him, he can do no wrong. Its when the press turn on him we will see if Obama is a empty suit. The press will turn on Obama, and it can be postulated that the issue will be Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Elite Media is weak, they don't have a backbone, they can pick up a drink but being critical of Obama takes a morale courage, lets face it the media covered up for Kennedy and his affairs and supported Bill Clinton through Impeachment. Thus like Vietnam broke LBJ it will be Afghanistan that could break Obama. Its a War that will cost in money and blood, the left wing media will start to be critical if Obama is still there before the next election. The experts agree there will be heavy fightig in Afghanistan this year, thus a lot of American body bags going home. How long before the Media starts to call Afghanistan the New Vietnam. Its when it gets tough that we will see if Obama is a Great Communicator.

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