Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Talking with Iran!

Fox News: Reports on a different tone out of Iran, President Ahmadinejad has stated that he is open to talks with President Obama. Before Liberals start to crow that the Obama outreach has worked lets get one thing clear, this could all be a strategic and political game by Iran. The Religions leader of Iran; the man with the power; Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has stated that the USA has to change its policy when it comes to its relationship with Israel, in other word the USA has to stop supporting Israel. This is a non starter in US Foreign Policy and Political terms. Thus one has to ask why this bolt face by Ahmadinedjad, its simple there is a Presidential Election in Iran this year, the moderates Iran have formed one group, thus no splitting the vote, the President is under threat. Thus this sudden change of tone, its a trick, even if Iran did agree to talks, they would be like North Korea, endless and tedious, they would play the clock out, when the USA though it had a deal about a nuclear armed Iran, Iran would announce it had the bomb. Think weakness of Obama over the Communist North Korea and double it over Iran. Iran is protected by Russia in the UN. Iran owes Russia money, thus Russia will support Iran. On the political front the President of Iran will look moderate through the election cycle and then if he wins will revert to type. Lets hope Obama recalls his Chicago political roots, lets hope he does not turn in another Jimmy Carter.

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