Friday, June 01, 2012

Obama's WAR against Iran - Cyber Warfare

The New York Times: Reports that President Obama when coming in to office in 2009 hiked America's cyber attacks on Iran.

Lets Get Real:

One can postulate folks that this is another leak from the Obama White House, have these people never head of keeping secrets. On one level its good to know that the Oval sees the danger of a nuclear armed Iran and thus these cyber attacks, on the other the Oval has to get grip of these leaks. The worry is that Iran could use these leaked attacks as a way to justify their nuclear aims. Also as the article notes there is the problem that these cyber attacks could backfire and return to attack to Western security systems. Lets be real here, not everyone has the budget of the US Government to upgrade their security against cyber attack, and there are lot of cyber attacks in cyber space. Also the BIG question folks will these attack delay Iran in its aim to become a nuclear armed power, in that there is a division, as the article notes the attacks could have delayed Iran by over a year but then there are other views that the attacks had limited effect in the long term. If Israel thinks Iran is even a few months from getting the bomb it will attack, this blog would rather trust the Israeli Intelligence Agency Mossad than even the CIA or MI6. Lets see what happens over the next few months folks.

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