Friday, June 01, 2012

New Syrian Massacre - Qusair

BBC News: Reports that 13 factory workers have been killed near the Syrian village of Qusair, Syrian rebels blame the Assad Regime.

Lets Get Real:

Lets be brutal here folks, as long as Russia uses its VETO at the UN Security Council the Assad Regime can kill anyone it wants in Syria, and the World will not react, the Russians want to keep their warm water port in Syria, thus the Assad Regime with the help of Russia and Iran will carry on with its policy of mass killings because it knows that the US, UK and France will not take military action without UN support, in part in consequence due to the Iraq War but also due to the fact that Syria is not Libya, the Syrian Regime is lot more powerful when it comes to its military, also its getting military support from Russia and Iran. The Assad Regime if it thinks its going down could decide to attack Israel, thus start a regional War, this is the last thing POTUS wants before the US election in November. Thus folks don't hold your breath for some solution in Syria, its not going to happen soon, just expect more killing, more deaths of the innocent, while the world looks on in horror.

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