Monday, May 17, 2021

Abortion in the US - Who decides?

Lets Get Real:

One hopes that the SUPREME COURT follows past cases and rejects the Mississippi law, the right of  a woman to have an abortion is between her and her Doctor.  Conservative Judges if they are really CONSERVATIVE, will follow the Classical Liberal view, that the role of the Government should be limited, one can argue that the Conservatives who oppose abortion are really LIBERALS, they want to allow the STATES to decide on the nature of abortion.   This blog has always SUPPORTED abortion on demand, its a privacy issue, and who wants to see a baby born who is not wanted and can have a negative results for ALL.   If the Supreme Court does restrict abortion one can expect the LIBERAL Democrats in the US Congress to allow abortion on demand, that will really irk so called Conservatives.   The Supreme Court should leave the issue alone, it has been decided. 

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