Friday, June 15, 2012

The Battles of the Message - US 2012 Race

Lets Get Real:

The real signs that Democrats are worried will come if those running down the ticket in November decide that having Obama around to Campaign with them is a bad idea, start to look how many Democrats running for Congress appear with the President, if they decide they need root canal on the day that the President arrives then the Oval is in trouble. Its early folks, the voters have a few months of this Campaign, there will be up and downs for both Obama and Romney. The President can not afford another political gaffe along the lines that the private sector is doing fine, thus the handlers of the Oval will have to keep POTUS on message, the problem is that the message is not working, the voters want to hear what Obama will do in a 2nd term, thus far not a lot. The Oval needs a message, and it should keep to that message, politics 101 folks.

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