Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Obama vs. Romney, TIED - NYT/CBS Poll

The New York Times: Reports on NYT/CBS Poll that finds President Obama and Governor Romney tied at 46% support among registered voters. This should worry the Chicago Re-Elect Committee, POTUS needs to be over 50% with a chance of getting re-elected. Also lets face political reality folks, the Romney Campaign is excellent at running a negative Campaign, and unlike 2008 POTUS has a depressing domestic record to defend, the biggest own goal ( that is Football in the UK folks, and Soccer in the US ) is ObamaCare. The Oval is very much in the hands of the US Supreme Court, and the Supremes are expected to rule on ObamaCare in June. Also last month there was the poor jobs report, although US unemployment went down it was not because jobs were created, it was because people gave up, its that bad folks. The Obama Campaigns theme of class warfare is also a mistake, its not working, might keep the left of the Democratic Party happy but scares the hell out of moderates and independents as they know they will be next for a tax hike. The Chicago operation has to up its game and fast, this is not 2008, if they think it is they are heading for a rude wake up call on November 7th.

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