Friday, April 06, 2012

US Recovery in PERIL ?

Guardian: Reports on the stalled recovery in US unemployment, the article states the following, “ ..far below the figures most economists had been predicting. ”. Thus folks my political advice to the Oval last night, don’t use social issues in till later in the election cycle, today was the day to go on about the PILL, but that’s old news now, the political commentators from right to left will have return to the economy, as the Clinton Campaign stated in 1992, “ It is the economy stupid ”. The Oval’s main worry is if the Supremes throw out ObamaCare, when will Obama then run on, the promise to bring the issue back to Congress, that would not be a smart political move, or worse the Supremes could as this blog has predicted, throw out the individual mandate but keep the rest and throw the issue back to Congress, that would be an issue that most Democrats would not want to discuss again, thus Unemployment and ObamaCare are the major domestic problems that the Oval faces, either could sink the re - election Campaign.

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