Sunday, April 08, 2012

North Korea = ICB

Guardian: Reports the following on the build up to the North Korean launch of its rocket, “ ..may have moved the first stage of a rocket to a launch stand, indicating it is on schedule for a controversial mid-April launch.. ”. Thus this shows how foolish President Obama was trust the word of the North Korean Regime when it said it would not do this in exchange for food, as with Iran Obama thinks his rhetoric is the real world, recent reports from US has the Oval requesting that Iran’s Supreme Leader back up his statement that Iran does not want the bomb, it seems that Obama is willing to trust the enemies of the US, North Korea and Iran, while selling out the military plans of Israel. Lets get real here folks, Obama does not have the backbone to take military action, he lead from behind in Libya, it was down to the UK and France to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi. Thus its important that the Republicans unite around Governor Romney and make the Obama Administration a one term Presidency. Otherwise Iran will get the bomb, Israel sometime in the future could be wiped from the face of the earth, as Obama showed by selling out Poland and Czech Republic, he has no understanding of US National Security, that is why Obama must be defeated in 2012.

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