Thursday, April 26, 2012

Confidence Vote - Czech Republic

Guardian: Reports that the Czech Coalition Government faces a confidence vote on Friday, the article notes the following should the Government fall, “ will be the 10th EU government to fall during two years of single currency turbulence and sovereign debt crisis.

Lets Get Real:

Folks one has to ask what is wrong with EU politicians, they seem to lose any real political thought once they get elected, they follow policies that might make the EU elite happy but causes them to lose elections or get thrown out of power. How many multi billions of Euros, it could even be over a trillion has been spent to keep the Euro going, and for what, the only way for the Euro to work is for all the Eurozone Countries to give their budgets to the Brussels, for there to be one President, one Cabinet, one Parliament, for all taxes to go to Brussels, etc, its not going to happen, lets hope the Irish say NO to the latest EU Treaty, it looks like France will also reject the new Treaty if its elect a left wing President. It seems that the Czech people have more sense that their Government, it could be that the Czech people understand the importance of freedom after the Cold War Era.

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