Sunday, April 29, 2012

Domestic Politics vs. International Politics = Israel

Telegraph: Reports that the Israeli Coalition Government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu faces collapse due to internal pressures.

Lets Get Real:

This would be good for the Obama Oval and Iran folks, why you might ask? On the US side if Netanyahu falls the Oval could place pressure on a new Israeli Government to allow for Iran to get the bomb. Thus no air strikes by Israel on Iran. It benefits Iran because it could not be touched in the future, as is the case with North Korea. The Obama Oval does not want to strike Iran, the left of the Democratic Party would go bonkers should the US or Israel strike. Thus local Israeli politics could see the a nuclear arms race in the Middle East folks, one can guarantee that the States of the region will want protection from a nuclear armed Iran, thus they will gain the bomb one way or another. Dark days ahead for the Middle East folks.

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