Saturday, April 28, 2012

Spain = Bailout

Daily Mail: Reports that Spain has a unemployment rate of 24.4%, that means 5.6 million people are on the dole.

Lets Get Real:

In essence the Spanish Government is saying its needs a bailout, this level of unemployment only feeds the extreme left and right, one can see a point in the very near future when there is violent civic disorder in Spain. As noted in recent Guardian post up to 10 EU Governments have fallen sine the economic firestorm of 2008, the EU policy as demanded by Germany is austerity, on the left you have demands for more spending, the left should really think about this, what happens if EU reverses course but it does not work, the left will never get back in to power. The only way for real turnabout is if Germany agreed to EU bonds to be underwritten by them, there is a problem folks, the German Basic Law does not allow for that, the issue of debt lead to the fall of the Weimar Germany and the raise of Hitler, thus Germany has a problem with just printing money. There are no good ways out folks, we are going to see a decade or more of stagnation as happened in Japan. The good days are over folks, the problem is that politicians are very afraid to tell the voters, the voters are sleeping walking over a cliff folks, the problem is that the cliff might turn to be real.

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