Saturday, December 31, 2011

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier was killed Yesterday in Afghanistan, the Soldier was from the “ 1st Battalion the Yorkshire Regiment ”. Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 394 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 350 in combat action and 44 due to illness, accidents or other incidents.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Latest Iowa Poll

The Hill: Reports on a new NBC/Marist Poll for Iowa, at the top is Governor Romney at 23%, Congressman Paul at 21% and former US Senator Rick Santorum at 15%. As stated many times in this blog, if Romney can take Iowa and then win big in NH this race is in effect over, but and also stated the big BUT is that Paul could take Iowa, then Romney NH, if Gingrich is finished again this could allow Santorum a chance in South Carolina, thus a long race for the Republican nomination. As kind readers of this blog has found, this blog has latched on to any Conservative candidate who can beat Romney but more important President Obama, thus far we have seen Perry, Cain, Gingrich self explode, of the three Perry is gaining ground, but his disaster at the Republican debates means Obama would eat him alive, thus folks we come back to Romney, yes this blog has never been a fan, quite the reverse, but the Republican Party cant have a long race, this would allow the Obama Campaign to define the winner before he or she could define who they are, thus folks of Iowa, VOTE FOR ROMNEY, he can win the Republican nomination quickly and can defeat POTUS. Yes we have to keep an eye on him, make sure he follows the Conservative line, but at least he knows that, thus FOLKS, VOTE for Romney on January 3rd.

Oxford Elite and the Labour Party

Guardian: Reports that Lord Glasman, one of Ed Milibands policy thinkers has stated that the Party has a problem, “ …leadership.. drawn form …Oxbridge graduates who struggle to relate to Britain's working class communities… ”. As the article notes the Labour Leader Ed Miliband went to Oxford, following his older brother the ex Foreign Secretary David Miliband. Lets be honest at the start of a new year folks, the Conservative Party loves the fact that Labour chose Ed Miliband as their leader, the general impression as reported by the Daily Politics show at the Labour Party Conference is that people think that Ed Miliband looks weird, also the fact that he stabbed his own brother in the back does not help remove that impression. Every time Ed Miliband tries a personal attack at PMQ’s the PM does not mind recalling this fact, even NOW Ed Miliband does not get the fact that this act of treachery against his brother is the one thing that most people know about him, will Labour do another Gordon Brown, and wait for the General Election defeat to remove Ed Miliband, as this link is to the Guardian it has to be asked is the left wing Guardian out to get “ Red ” Ed Miliband, such is the negative press that Mr Miliband is getting, one would even place a bet at the bookies that he wont be leader in 2015.

Iran Provocation

Telegraph: Report that Iran will test fire long range missiles on Saturday. This is a further escalation in the tensions between Iran and the US folks, the Tehran Regime has already threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz, thus preventing the West getting its much need oil shipments. This is down to who will blink first folks, the US and the West are in a tight spot, to prevent Israel hitting Iran the US and its Allies have to place tough sanctions on Iran, these sanctions will hit the Iranian Banking System and hence its oil revenue. The Tehran Regime is not that popular with own people, thus the Regime needs an outside ENEMY, thus the Big Satan the US, since the US is not in Tehran, the Regime hit the UK Embassy, the Little Satan in their odd view of the world. The Tehran Regime needs its oil revenue to fund its nuclear plans, thus the threat to Israel, thus the need for the West to take action. The game is vicious folks, it only needs a wrong move by Iran to start a Middle East War, the US Fleet should be on alert.

Spanish Austerity

BBC News: Reports that the new Spanish Government has announced cuts of 8.9 billion Euros, also a freeze in Government hiring with the addition of tax hikes for wealthy of Spain. The question on the minds of the bond market is can Italy and Spain meet their needs without getting a bailout from the EU. The austerity packages of Italy and Spain will cut the public sector, this means that welfare should raise, Ireland has seen its economy retract after its austerity plan, so how are the Eurozone Countries going to develop a plan for growth, this is the only way to reduce the debt within these Countries. Thus far the EU has failed to develop a growth plan, that is the one thing the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer Ed Balls has gotten right, all this austerity will reduce government spending, will reduce the debt, the idea that more spending would help is crazy, that is the Labour Plan. The EU could be another Japan folks, years of austerity and no growth, welcome to the New Year folks.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Romney LEADS - Republican Race

Gallup: Reports in its latest poll in the Republican Race, Governor Romney has overtaken former House Speaker Newt Gingrich to be the front runner by, 27% to 23%. Folks if Romney can take Iowa, win big NH, this race is over, but there are lot of BUTS, Paul could take Iowa, then Romney in NH, Gingrich could return in South Carolina. Then we have a long race, only a few days to go folks before Iowa.

POTUS 50% Disapproval - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its daily tracking poll on the job approval for President Obama, today the Oval has a 50% Disapproval rating, while 41% of Americans Approve of the Obama record. This is not good for the Chicago Re-Election Committee folks, the latest unemployment figures have shown a ups swing after a decline, the unemployment rate should go up when those hired for the Xmas season are given the chop. Also if Americans think the US economy is going positive, people who had given up looking will start to look, thus they the unemployment rate could go back up to 9%. But and here is the BUT folks, its eight months before the election, miles to go folks, that’s the fun of US politics.

Italy and the Bond Market Part Two

Guardian: Reports on the following on the Italian Government bond selling, “ The auction in Italy divided analysts…at 6.979%, was still within a whisker of the 7% level that has triggered bailouts ”. As the article notes in 2012 Italy has to sell 450 billion worth of Euro bonds to keep it going, lets see what happens after the Italian people start to suffer the consequences of austerity, also how will the Unions react, if Greece is any example it should get quite hot in Rome, Italy. The Euro is not out of the woods folks, the new EU Treaty has gone off the front pages but it will come back in the New Year, the hangover in 2012 folks will last longer and could last well in 2013. Enjoy the New Year Celebrations folks, it could be 1950s austerity in the EU in 2012/13.

Italy and the Bond Market

Telegraph: Reports that Italy barely passed its latest bond test, it sold its 10 year bonds at 6.98%. Thus the austerity package of the new Italian Government and the spending by the ECB has kept Italy from going belly up, but for how long before Italy needs a bailout, it can be expected that Spain will need a bailout in the near future. At the end of the day folks the EU leaders have not dealt with the one main problem, that is the DEBT within the EU. The retraction of the EU economies will push up welfare spending, thus more debt, thus the need for more money from the markets. In less the EU can develop a total GROWTH policy the EU will have a constant crisis on its hands, it can be postulated that either Italy or Spain will push the Euro over a cliff, the question folks will it take the EU with it, and what will be the cost to the UK.

Syrian Violence and the Arab Spring

BBC News: Reports that the violence in Syria is on going, that from demonstrators it is reported that around 40 people were killed today in Damascus. The sad part about this story folks is that the West cant do a dam thing, the Syrian Regime is defence terms is a lot stronger than the Libyan one, also the Assad Regime is supported by Iran, the Tehran Regime can not afford for President Assad to fall, Syria is the gateway for Iran in to Lebanon, thus causing problems for Israel. The Oval under President Obama lead from behind when it came to Libya, when it comes to Syria the President is hiding in Camp David and will be, the left will never support Obama taking on the Assad Regime. In 2012 everything is political folks, the Syrian people will have to win this Civil War without the help of the West.

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has announced the names of the two UK Servicemen who died after action in Afghanistan before the Christmas period, the Servicemen were, “ Captain Tom Jennings of the Royal Marines and Squadron Leader Anthony Downing of the RAF ”. Our thoughts are with the families of Captain Jennings and Squadron Leader Downing.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Obama vs. Romney - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its trial heat between President Obama versus Governor Romney, in this match up POTUS wins by 2%, by 50% to 48%. Its early folks, but this shows that Governor Romney would give President Obama a run for his money, lets not forget there is less than eight months to go as of January 1st 2012. The deciding factor will be the economy folks, it will be interesting to see what the unemployment rate will be at the end of January, if as expected those hired over the Christmas period are let go the rate should go back up to around 9%, of course the US economy might be turning around, if the rate of those out of work keeps dropping then Obama might win a lose victory. It start folks, more polls through eight months.

Iowa Poll - Paul LEAD

The Hill: Reports on a new poll on the Iowa contest, Congressman Ron Paul leads Governor Romney by 24% to 20%. In a odd way this could be good for Governor Romney, if he wins or comes a close second in Iowa he will be the Republican Nominee, Paul lets be kind, is a crank, the Israeli Lobby if Paul was the Republican Nominee would totally support President Obama. The only way for Newt Gingrich to win the Republican nomination would be to win Iowa and come close in NH. If this does not happen the Gingrich Campaign is a dead man walking, its that simple folks, that brutal. If the former Speaker wont play dirty he is going to lose, nice men come last in politics, its about winning at the end of the day, otherwise its just blowing wind.

Gingrich on Romney Negative TV Adverts

CNN - Politics: Reports that former House Speaker New Gingrich has been highly critical of the fact that Governor Romney has not condemn a Super Pac for its negative adverts on the former House Speaker. If you’re a Republican voter you might think that Romney just might be your candidate, he has friends who are willing to support a Super Pac that will go after Gingrich, if Romney is the Republican Nominee they will go after President Obama. Lets get real folks, power is taken, its not given, this shows that Governor Romney is willing to play hardball to win, if you want a Republican in the White House in 2013 that is good news. If the Speaker cant or wont fight in a negative manner then he is in the wrong fight. Lets get really real here folks, the Republican Nominee will be taking on Chicago political street fighters, they don’t fight fair, they fight to win, and they don’t care how they win. Thus if Romney is willing to get his hands dirty but of course having no connection to the Super Pac good for him, he just might be a contender, its eye of the tiger time folks, time to Rocky not Apollo.

Iowa Vote - January 3rd 2012

Guardian: Reports on the money being spent in Iowa “ ..tide is flowing through American politics: a tide of money unleashed by a supreme court decision that opened the floodgates to unlimited spending ..”. Money is the mothers milk of US politics, the Obama re-election committee is expected to raise a least a billion dollars to spend in the General Election, the US Supreme Court has allowed Corporations and Unions to give money to political action committees, this the Iowa vote is just a warm up folks, the poor people of Iowa, NH by the end will be hiding in bunkers to avoid these paid political adverts. In Iowa as the article notes these Super Pacs with lose links to the Campaigns of Romney and Perry have spent four million, expect a few more million before the first vote is cast in January folks. The elite media hate the fact the US Supreme Court has lifted the blocks on spending, but folks its a good move by the Court, Democracy is about supporting a candidate, thus if you’re a business or a union you should be able to raise cash and spent it, its called Democracy, at the end of the day it’s the best system we have folks, flawed but the people get to decide, better than North Korea.

Funeral of a Tyrant - Kim Jong - il

Telegraph: Reports on the staged burial of Kim Jong - il of North Korea. Thus far except for a few short range missiles shot in to the Sea of Japan the North Koreans have not done much military rattling, but that might happen after the funeral, the new regime might want to make an impression and force the World to deal with the new Regime. The US and its Allies should keep an eye on North Korea, something tells this blog that there will be trouble sooner or later from this tyrannical Regime, they will act when it does not help the West.

Italy and the Eurozone Crisis

BBC News: Reports that the cost for the Italian Government to sell its six months bonds has gone down from 6.504% to 3.251%. This shows that that the austerity package of new Italian PM Mario Monti is working, also the European Central Bank is throwing money in essence at the banks, loans over a three year period. As the article notes the banks are securing their own risks but leaving them enough Capital to buy Sovereign bonds, this is the idea of the French Government, its seems a French plan is working. But then we have Spain, it is rumoured that there will be tough news out of Spain in the new year, the Italian bond news is good news folks, but lets not buy the Euro yet, its going to be a tough year folks.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Gingrich and Romney TIED - Republican Race

Gallup: Reports on its latest poll of Registered Republican voters, in the poll the former Speaker Newt Gingrich is on 25%, while Governor Romney has 24%. In essence tied folks, the negative TV adverts aimed at Gingrich have done the trick, the lead that Gingrich had has gone the way of the Titanic. This blog predicted that Gingrich would win the nomination, that is doubtful NOW folks, the Iowa vote is on January 3rd, the Romney and Paul Campaigns are better run to get the voters out, if Paul or Romney wins its over for Gingrich, he HAS to win Iowa, anything less and Romney will be the nominee. It is a given that Governor Romney will win New Hampshire, thus Gingrich need a WIN in Iowa and close win for Romney in NH to then take the Campaign to the Southern States, but with the Big MO to quote Bush 41 is with Romney, it will be very hard for Gingrich to win in the South. This blog cant wait for the year long election to start, polls, blogs, debates, the conventions, the TV ads, to be a political geek, what fun.

Iran THREAT to the West

The New York Times: Reports that Iran has threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz, the oil lifeline for the West should the West block Iran selling its oil. The US and the West has one aim folks, to prevent Israel taking military action to prevent Iran going nuclear. The Obama Administration has to show to Israel that it is taking this issue seriously and will impose sanctions on Tehran that will bring Iran to its knees. The US would take military action should Iran block the Strait, Obama can not afford in an election year for the price at the oil stations to hit the roof. It can be argued that Tehran wants to impose itself in the 2012 election, if it can draw Obama in to a crisis, and show him as weak, this will help the Tehran Regime with its people, build up support for the Regime, interesting year ahead folks.

Euro Nightmare and the UK

Telegraph: Reports that the UK Treasury has created plans in the event of a Euro failure, the UK Coalition Government would place capitol controls on money in out of the UK. This is like something out of the UK in the aftermath of World War Two folks, limiting funds people can place and take out of the UK, lets hope the Eurozone Countries get their act together, this blog is going to start looking at buying gold. If the Euro fails folks the EU would come under threat, but the cost of keeping the Euro from going down the toilet could be years of harsh austerity, think the 1950s in black and white but worse, yes folks it could get that bad, at some point there will have to be a managed default of the PIIGS, but not yet, any rash actions could lead to a downfall, this blog would not be surprised if Spain placed capitol control at the end of the year, as the first step to a return to native currency, big economic news expected out of Spain on December 30th folks. Lets wait and see folks.

Titanic, A Survivor’s Story

A remarkable first hand account of surviving the sinking of the Titanic, the book was written in 1912 by Colonel Archibald Gracie, a first class survivor of the sinking. What is so great about the book is that the Colonel traced his action on that infamous cold night but also of others. The language is simple, and direct, this blog bought the book on Boxing Day and so far has read 92 pages, it is a page turner. Colonel Gracie to his last breath; the suffering of that night lead to his death in December of 1912; followed the US and UK investigations of the sinking, and talked to surviving crew and passengers, thus his book gives the reader an insight in to the actions of people on the ship that even this blog didn’t know about, and this blog counts the Titanic as a hobby. The biggest mistake in the book that this blog has found is the fact Colonel Gracie didn’t think that the Titanic split in two, but to be fair, he was underwater and swimming to save his life, when he came up the Ship has gone. The truth about the split only came known when the wreck of the Titanic was found, before that even this blog thought she would be found intact and with her watertight compartments could even be bought up. This book should have been made in to Film or TV mini series, its that good folks. Thank goodness Colonel Gracie was such a good writer. It should be noted that the Colonel did stress the actions of 1st Class passengers, third class hardly gets a look in so far of reading. But considering it was written in 1912, its an excellent analytical account of the sinking, a worthy read in 2012, a hundred years since the sinking.

Monday, December 26, 2011

End of Year - David Cameron

Guardian: Has the following editorial on David Cameron and Ed Miliband, on Cameron, “ ..the public is still smiling on the man at the helm. …..message of today's….poll ….that will bring the prime minister some seasonal cheer ”. The Coalition Government under PM David Cameron has had deal with the mess left behind by the Blair/Brown years. The UK voter understands that next year could be tougher than 2011, it can be argued that unemployment will go up, growth in the economy could be negative or very limited. If the Euro goes down the toilet it could mean that the UK economy could retract, thus more welfare spending. As with always the case with Labour, they promise a lot but leave a mess, just ask Lady Thatcher on the social problems caused by her 1st Government having to clean up the mess of the previous Labour Government. Also lets be honest the UK voter likes having someone who went to Eton as PM, Tony Blair went to the Scottish version of Eton. The class system has not gone from the UK folks, its deep with the DNA.

The Sinking of the Belgrano - Falklands War

Telegraph: Reports that the most controversial aspect of the Falklands War; the sinking of the General Belgrano on the authority of the Lady Thatcher; was justified a new book shows, signals evidence supports the fact that the Belgrano was heading back in to the conflict. This will make Guardian readers have a fit, the left never wanted the War, they would have given up the Islands. It shows that Lady Thatcher was an excellent War Leader, also despite coming under left wing attack the Lady never used the signals fact to support her decision, Lady Thatcher was willing to take the political attack to defend UK National Security. The Lady made mistakes, but on whole the greatest PM since Sir Winston Churchill.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Christmas from the White House

Death in the UK - Afghanistan Theatre

MOD: Reports that a member of the RAF has died in the UK of wounds sustained in Afghanistan. Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 393 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 349 in combat action and 44 due to illness, accidents or other incidents.

Happy Christmas & New Year

Happy Christmas


Happy New Year

Let there be Peace and Harmony in 2012

Friday, December 23, 2011

Syrian Regime and the Bombings

Guardian Live - Syria: Reports the following on the bombings, “ The Syrian state media appeared to be laying the ground work for its claims of a terrorist attack yesterday. ”. Thus if you discount Al - Qaeda and the native insurgents, you are left with the only suspect, that is of course the Syrian Regime. It can be argued that they have not been that subtle, getting up the framework for the attack, then creating either a real attack or a bogus attack, did the bombing actually kill anyone, or are the victims those already dead, killed by the Regime. Lets hope the CIA and MI6 have their ears open, and eyes on the ground.

Syrian Bombings

BBC News: Reports on two suicide bombings in Damascus, Syria, from State TV sources the death toll is at 40 and those injured at over a 100. This Syrian Regime blames Al - Qaeda for the attacks, part of the unrest in the Country since March, the general comment on the TV networks is that the bombings could have been planned either by A) Al - Qaeda, B) The internal insurgents, C) The Syria Regime. Of the three this blog would postulate that it could be either A or C, we have seen it is believed Al Qaeda bombings in Iraq, but the Syrian Regime would have no problem is bombing its own people and placing the blame on the native insurgents. As the Arab League is sending Monitors to Syria it would be a perfect way for the Syrian Regime to curtail their movement, of course there is one possibility, that the Syrian Regime planned the bombings in Iraq to give more weight to the bombings today in Syria.

Republicans Fold - Payroll Tax Cut

The White House: Statement by the President Obama on the payroll tax cut deal. The President stated the following, “ ..Today, I congratulate members of Congress for ending the partisan stalemate by reaching an agreement…Because of this agreement, every working American will keep his or her tax cut – about $1,000 for the average family. That’s about $40 in every paycheck. Vital unemployment insurance will continue for millions of Americans who are looking for work. And when Congress returns, I urge them to keep working to reach an agreement that will extend this tax cut and unemployment insurance for all of 2012 without drama or delay….This is the right thing to do to strengthen our families, grow our economy, and create new jobs. This is real money that will make a real difference in people’s lives. And I want to thank every American who raised your voice to remind folks in this town what this debate was all about. It was about you. And today, your voices made all the difference. ”. The Republican controlled House of Representatives has folded in its battle with the Democratic Senate and President Obama when it comes to the payroll tax cut. The Republicans lost the political fight, the Democrats wanted a two month extension of the tax cut while the Republicans wanted a year, the fight allowed Democrats to be seen as a tax cutters, while the Republicans had the image that they wanted to raise taxes. Yes people we are through the Twilight Zone when it comes to Washington D.C. Thus another fight in Feb folks, the Democrats will want to keep it on the table in till November 2012, the Republicans in the Senate and the House will have to stand together, and make it simple, a year extension, to be paid for the repeal of ObamaCare, pass nothing in till Obama veto’s the bill. And by nothing this blog means nothing, not even Defence, roll dice the folks. Obama can take a short political war but not a long term one, also if the US Supreme Court throws out ObamaCare the Democrats will be forced to deal, its time for Chicago politics folks, the last man standing wins.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Iraq Civil War?

BBC News: Reports on multiple bomb attacks in Baghdad, Iraq, at present there are 63 reported deaths and 185 people have suffered injuries. Are we seeing the start of a Civil War in Iraq folks, it is a possibility, as the article notes the co -ordination of the attack has the fingerprints of al-Qaeda in Iraq, this group on the whole is Sunni. The bombs seem to have been targeted at the Shia population. The Sunni’s feel pushed to the outskirts of power within the new Iraq Government, with the US out of Iraq this has given the Sunni insurgents the chance to flex their power. The question is can the Iraqi Government deal with these terrorists attacks, or are we seeing the start of a Civil War. In a odd way it would please neither the US or Iran for the Country to fall apart, it would look like Obama has turned victory to defeat and Iran funds the Shia Party of the Iraqi PM, a Civil War would not help them in making a Iraq a Iran puppet.

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that a Royal Marine was killed today in Afghanistan. Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 392 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 348 in combat action and 44 due to illness, accidents or other incidents.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Payroll Tax Cut Talks

CNN - Politics: Reports that President Obama has had telephone discussions with House Speaker Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Reid to discuss the deadlock over the payroll tax cut. One can postulate that a deal for six months for the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits could be reached, but then that takes you well in to the 2012 Elections, but on the other hand it would allow the US Government to go on holiday. Depends if the leaders want annoyed wife’s and families stuck in Washington D.C, sometimes politics is very local folks.

Can NEWT still WIN ?

The Hill: Reports on the political choice faced by former House Speaker New Gingrich, can he win the Republican Nomination without going negative on his Republican opponents. This blog has predicted that the former Speaker would be the Republican nominee, but then came the negative TV adverts by Romney and Paul in Iowa, thus the lead that the former Speaker had has start to wither under the glare of attacks. This blog still thinks that Speaker can stay positive but he needs outside groups to do the dirty work, as long as Gingrich or his supporters do not counter these attacks the more chance that Gingrich will lose Iowa either to Congressman Paul or Governor Romney, the former Speaker has to win Iowa and close to Romney in NH for his Campaign to have a chance, the Republican Establishment want a winner, someone who can take on President Obama, they think that Gingrich has to much baggage, but this was the man that retook the House from Democrats after 40 years, its going to be tough for the Speaker, but its not over, he needs someone to do his dirty pool, from a safe distance. Otherwise mud sticks folks, and Gingrich might be toast even before Iowa vote.

The Payroll Tax Cut War

The New York Times: Reports the following on the political conflict between House Republicans and Democrats, “ ..the conservative House majority…is now staring over the brink, standing fast against legislation with significant financial consequences for nearly every American household.The liberal NYT is loving this folks, the Republicans have made a political mistake if not a policy mistake in turning down the Senate deal, it was worthless, but it would have taken the War off the pages over the Christmas period, now the Democrats and the elite media will play if for all its worth as a Republican attack on the Middle Class. The elite media wont point out that the Republicans want a year deal, they want the issue for 2012, for the 2012 elections folks you have to careful with these stories from the LIBERAL NYT and others, its not what they say but between the lines. Well the House Republicans have started this War, they know have to win it, they cant blink, no matter the cost.

523 EU Banks in Trouble ?

Guardian Live - Euro: Reports that low coast loans from the ECB has been taken up by 523 banks at the cost of 489 billion Euros. Think about this folks, 523 banks needed this bailout, how many would have hit the wall without this generous loans scheme, people its time to check if your BANK is safe, or is your bank a fraud. The debt held by EU banks from Sovereign debt only needs for Italy or Spain to fold for the whole system, to hit the floor folks. This just might be the time to buy silver or gold, paper is only has value if it can be backed up by the system, when that system itself could fold time to get back to essentials.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The UK’s Triple A Rating under Threat ?

Telegraph Live - Euro: Reports that Credit Agency Moody’s has warned that the UK could face a credit rating downgrade if the economy gets worse. As things are likely to get worse before they get better folks the UK should expect the worse, the public sector cuts by the Coalition Government have not really started yet, thus one can expect an increase in those unemployed and thus an increase in welfare spending. If and it’s a big IF the Euro goes badly next year, the UK economy could retract that could mean that the UK could lose its credit rating, this would mean that the UK would have to pay more on its bonds to raise cash from the market. Its going to get cold folks.

The Elite Media and the Payroll Tax Cut

The New York Times: Reports the following on the rejection by the House of the Senate deal on the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits, “ …tax cut in jeopardy and leaving a shadow over many unemployed Americans as the holidays near. ”. This is the tone your going to hear folks, that the nasty Republicans don’t care about the Middle Class or those on benefits, even though the Republicans want a year extension to the payroll tax cut. This is about 2012 Elections folks, both Parties are pandering to their bases, the Democrats still want to tax the rich to pay for a tax cut for the middle class, the Republicans want NO TAX HIKES, and are following the Tea Party Agenda of cuts in Government spending. This blog really cant see why the Republicans didn’t return to the trenches in Feb of 2012, get the Christmas season over, even in 1914 during World War One there was a Christmas truce. Also in hardball politics this is a perfect example of Chicago politics, the Democrats will sacrifice the middle class to get Obama re-elected, is the US voter that simple to think that two month tax cut really helps them, we shall see folks.

Senate Deal Rejected - Payroll Tax Cut

US H of R: The Republican controlled House of Representatives has rejected the two month payroll extension agreed by the US Senate and passed it call for a year, the vote was 229 to 193 in favour. It will be interesting folks to see how the public react to this vote, the Republicans want a year extension, the Democrats only wanted two months. One can see the left wing spin already, the Republican only care about the rich, they are willing to see the Middle Class get a tax hike. But the ball is NOW in Democratic court, they must be hopping that the public turn against the Republicans, and not see that the Democrats are using the tax cut as a political weapon. Lets see who flinches first folks, this was not a good idea by the Republicans, never give your opposition something to hit you over the head with over the Christmas period.

Debt and the Eurozone Crisis

Guardian: Reports the following on the Eurozone Crisis, “ The eurozone debt crisis is set to spread and deepen next year, senior central bankers warned on Monday .. ”. Thus what answer does the EU have, yes more money down the toilet to protect the PIIGS, this is mad, at what point do they get the fact that this policy is rubbish, the debt mountain is to much, the welfare state of the EU will always create more debt that there is funding to match it, thus throwing the money at the Euro is like a drug dealer giving more drugs to his customers at a cheap rate. The Greeks, the Italians are never going to reform, the EU can not afford for Italy to go down, even Ireland that has produced many austerity packages has seen its economy retract, the Country in the view of friend of Blog, Helen from Ireland is still in recession, is not a matter of going back in to recession. Thus at least UK PM David Cameron was brave to NO, and today the Chancellor of the Exchequer has said NO to more funding for the IMF to bailout out the PIIGS. This is endless darkness folks, there is more light at the end of the black hole than for the Eurozone.

North Korean Succession

Telegraph: Reports that North Korea has closed down its borders and recalled its Officers to duty after the death of Kim Jong - il. Thus folks expected the unexpected when it comes to North Korea, one can postulate that the new leadership with sabre rattle just to make clear that it’s a nuclear armed power, thus the South can expect some action, even if its only a few short range missiles hitting its outer islands. The new leader, the Great Successor will want to make an impression, what is known about him is very limited, in his late 20s, taught in Europe, likes US sports, as stated not a lot know about him. He was made a four star general in 2010, that should go down well with the older Generals, thus the new leader just might be a figurehead, its hard to say about North Korea folks, eve China, its big neighbour does not understand the place, what the chance for the rest of us, tricky times ahead folks.

UK NO to IMF - Eurozone Crisis

BBC News: Reports that the UK has refused to add an addition amount to its IMF funding, the funding is being used to save the Euro. It is simple folks, any extra funding would not get through the House of Commons, the Labour Party voted against the last funding pledge, thus if you combine that with the backbench Conservative MPs, the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne had not choice but to say NO. This will go down well with the Conservative Party, the Liberal Democrats will not be happy but they should understand they don’t have the votes. The French can be expected to have another go at the UK, how many billions is it now that has been thrown at the Euro, how many Hospitals, Schools or roads could have been built folks. Its not only the left wing that can play this game folks.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Left and the Payroll Tax Cut

The New York Times: Has a Editorial that attacks the Tea Party House Members, the Editorial states the following, “ ..cannot stomach the idea of giving Mr. Obama even a sixth of what he has asked for, especially if it actually helps improve the economy.. ”. Thus if there is no deal folks the Democrats and Media Elite will place the blame at the feet of the Tea Party, does not matter that the deal is only for two months, its hardball know folks. The left for the next year will run only run stories that support Obama, no matter the substance, the Republicans have to be careful, on the whole it’s a political deal that will allow the sides to return to the trenches next year, time for some of Reagan’s pragmatic way of dealing with Congress, take the deal House.

No Payroll Tax Cut ?

BBC News: Reports that the Republican House Speaker John Boehner has stated that expects the House of Representatives to vote against the Payroll tax cut deal designed by the US Senate. This is hardball politics folks, the Republicans want a year extension of the payroll tax cut, the Democrats are slow rolling the cut, they want it as a political issue in 2012, they want to play their usual class warfare strategy. The deal on the whole sounds good, the middle class get their tax cut, no tax on the rich, but the Tea Party House Members were elected in 2010 to do real cuts, thus this could go down to the wire folks. There will be a tax cut, but it might need to be backdated if a deal cant be reached in till early 2012. In way the politics works for both Parties, the Tea Party Republicans can say they have worked system to get what they want, real cuts, while Democrats can argue that Republicans only care about the rich. Lets see what the voters think folks, lot of polls can be expected on this subject.

The US and South Korea

The White House: Readout of telephone call between President Obama and President Lee of South Korea. The readout states the following,At midnight tonight, President Obama spoke with Republic of Korea President Lee Myung-bak to discuss the situation on the Korean Peninsula following the death of Kim Jong Il. The President reaffirmed the United States’ strong commitment to the stability of the Korean Peninsula and the security of our close ally, the Republic of Korea. The two leaders agreed to stay in close touch as the situation develops and agreed they would direct their national security teams to continue close coordination. ”. POTUS does not need North Korea to become a crisis, as predicted in my tweets the North did show the military sword, by shooting off short range missiles, just a reminder to the World that that North Korea is a nuclear armed power, if human nature is any guide we can expect more trouble out of the Great Successor, yes folks that his official title, KIM JONG - UN will not want to be seen as a failure when compared to his grandfather and father, thus expect more military shows, or a nuclear demonstration. This North Korean succession could be a on going sore for POTUS and the world folks.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Gingrich Leads Republican Race - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its latest poll of Republican voters, New Gingrich 28%, Mitt Romney 24%. Thus former Speaker Newt Gingrich still leads folks after the last Republican Debate. But its close between Gingrich and Romney, it comes down to Iowa folks, if Gingrich can win even without a big field operation and get close to Romney in NH then he can win the Southern States. On the other hand, if Romney can win Iowa or come pretty close, then win BIG in NH and bounce that down to the Southern States the race could over by January. That’s how important Iowa is folks, also lets not forget Ron Paul, if can win Iowa, this could be a body blow to the Gingrich Campaign, as Romney will win NH and form there the Southern States. Lets see what the Iowa voter do folks, they actually defeated Ronald Reagan, yes folks it did happen in 1980.

Payroll Tax and the Republican House

The Hill: Report that there are doubts that the agreed deal on the Payroll tax can get through the Republican House. This blog would be very surprised if not enough Republicans and Democrats don’t pass the deal, the deal only lasts for two months, gets them through Christmas, but that is the problem folks. The Republicans want the issue off the table, a longer deal and no tax hikes, the Democrats want it as an issue, also Obama’s class warfare rhetoric is based on playing to the base. Prediction folks, on the whole, it will pass, but it might be close, and it could fail. That’s what makes US politics interesting folks.

France and that Credit Downgrade ?

Guardian: Reports on the expected French downgrade, “ could be stripped of its triple-A credit rating before Christmas, raising new doubts about the survival of the euro.. ”. Thus folks it will be interesting to see how the Asian Markets react to the latest from the Euro crisis, the Stock Markets seem to be treading water, thus blog would not be surprised to see another Emergency EU Summit just after the start of the new year, the French elite will go bonkers if France is downgraded, as any downgrade will cost the French Government more to borrow from the markets and affect their ability to fund the bailout fund. The Euro is such a mess folks, how many billions have been throw to bailout the PIIGS, at what point will Europe find a leader like PM David Cameron who will say NO, no more, secure banks, YES, but lets PIIGS go, then the Euro just might have a chance, and even then its 50/50 folks that the Euro will get through, more fun ahead folks.

The Cameron Bounce - Poll

The Sunday Telegraph: Reports a new poll that’s shows that the Conservatives have had a bounce from the PM Cameron’s veto of the new EU Treaty, the Conservative Party is on 40%, Labour 34%, and the Liberal Democrats on 14%. The Conservative Party should enjoy this poll, next year is going to be hard folks, it is expected to be worse that Lady Thatcher’s first two years in power, the Euro could fall apart, or worse it could stay together and its push for austerity in the EU could show major retractions in all EU Countries, the Irish economy took a surprise hit, thus expect more bad news next year folks. The Labour Party under Ed Miliband should be 10 to 20 points ahead next year folks, if not Labour has a problem, if Ed Miliband can not get his game up then Labour will have to look for a new leader. The Liberal Democrats have to be careful, if they bring down the Coalition over Europe they face a General Election, then political oblivion. A rough year ahead folks.

Obama 41% Approval - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its daily tracking poll on the job approval of POTUS, today President Obama has a 41% Approval rating, while 51% Disapprove of the Obama record. Folks this not good, it less than 10 months before the November poll, you would think that with the drop in the unemployment rate and the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq that POTUS would at least be able to get over 45% in the Gallup poll. The question does President Obama want to win, if he does he has to change his political strategy, playing to base will not work, he has to get Independents back, they have run from Obama, with the passing of ObamaCare the President it can be argued broke faith with the US voter, who they elected in 2008 in effect conned them, that does not go down well, Obama was seen a liberal Reagan, but the Gipper was pragmatic, he was willing to deal, Obama used the Democratic control of Congress to pander to the base, thus the present bad polls, Obama has to turn right or he will be Carter Mark 2.

Obama and Class Warfare - Payroll Tax Cut

The White House: Remarks by President Obama on the two month extension of the payroll tax. The President folded when it came to the payroll tax folks, he wanted to tax rich people to please his extreme left wing base, even after the Congress passed the extension minus his rich tax, Obama cant let it go, the President stated the following,So I'm very pleased to see the work that the Senate has done. While this agreement is for two months, it is my expectation -- in fact it would be inexcusable for Congress not to further extend this middle-class tax cut for the rest of the year. It should be a formality. And hopefully it’s done with as little drama as possible when they get back in January. …..There are plenty of ways to pay for these proposals. This is a way to boost the economy that has been supported by these very same Democrats and Republicans in the past. It is something that economists believe will assure that the economy and the recovery is on a more stable footing than it otherwise would be. And my preference, and the preference of most Americans, is that we ask the wealthiest few Americans to pay their fair share and corporations to do without special taxpayer subsidies to cover some of the costs. But I think that it's important for us to get it done. ”. It seems that 1984 Presidential Election passed POTUS by, in his convention speech former Vice President Walter Mondale stated he would raise the taxes of Americans, he lost by 49 States, 59% of the vote and 525 Electoral votes. The US voter does not want to tax the rich, he or she wants to become rich, only a elite out of touch, and as Democrat Congressman stated, arrogant President would not get that fact, one really thought Obama was a grown up, but I guess he forgot that teachable moment from 1984.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Shut Up France - DPM Clegg

Guardian Live - Euro: Reports in its 7.26pm post that the Deputy Prime Minister and Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg in essence told France to shut up about the credit agencies downgrading the UK credit rating. There is hope for Nick Clegg yet folks, the DPM stood up for the UK, telling the French PM that the actions of the French has been wrong. The Liberal Democrats as a Party have to learn that the UK is in no way pro Europe, in fact if it could become a the 51st State of the US with the Queen as head that would get a majority vote. Well done Mr Clegg.

France = Negative Forecast

Telegraph Live - Euro: Reports that Fitch Credit Agency has kept the French Triple A rating but given it a negative forecast. It is rumoured folks that S&P will downgrade France after the Market closes in the US. If France does go down to AA rating this could finish the hopes of the French President of winning the 2012 Presidential Election, thus expect more attacks on the UK folks, when it comes to politics folks it’s the last man standing that wins, brutal but harsh. As noted in the Guardian yesterday, if the French lose the triple A standing it will cost them more to borrow from the market, thus affect their ability to fund a bailout of the PIIGS, everything is local folks.

The Republican Debate - Review

BBC News: Reports both Governor Romney and former Speaker Newt Gingrich came under attack at the Republican Debate, Romney on his Conservative record and Gingrich on taking money from a Federal Agency. As stated in my tweets of the debate the winner in the view of this blog was Newt Gingrich, but Romney didn’t do any harm to his chances either, the one candidate that was out there folks was Congressman Paul, he was to the left of Obama when it came to Iran, there no chance of Paul winning the Republican Nomination. This was the last debate before the Iowa vote folks, NOW the candidates have to meet the voters, in Iowa they like to kick the tires of the candidates as the saying goes, when the good people of Iowa vote it’s a cold January night, thus the Candidates have to create passion for their campaign, Paul will be in the top three, as to 1 and 2, its between Gingrich and Romney folks, couple of interesting weeks ahead folks.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A French DOWNGRADE - Eurozone Crisis

Guardian: Reports that if France was to lose its Triple A rating, it would “ ..would drive up the interest Paris pays to borrow and make loans in the wider economy more expensive.. ”. Thus the French Elite are in full spin folks, if they lose their AAA rating while the UK keeps its rating this will cost the French President his re-election. Think about this folks, in essence the French Government and State Bank is calling for the UK to lose its rating, this would drive up the UK’s borrowing costs and retract the economy, Wars have been fought for less folks. It time to stamp hard on the French, one has to wonder if it is not time for the UK’s War dead from World War 1 and 2 to come back to the UK, if France does not show respect to Country that saved her, should we allow our honoured dead to be buried in French ground. It is a fair question folks, time for France to show some respects to a Country that saved her backside twice.

France vs. UK

Telegraph: Reports that the Governor of the Bank of France, Christian Noyer has called for the credit agency S&P to strip the UK of its triple A rating before France. Folks it just shows when it comes to French self interest, it will always comes first, the French view is simple, everyone else can be thrown over the cliff before France. In many respects this blog can respect that, but gets VERY annoyed when France starts going about the European interest, France could care less, in the past, present and future it is always about France. Thus with this blog, it’s the UK first and last, and France can be thrown out of the nearest airlock, lets hope the French respect that opinion.

The END of the US War in Iraq

BBC News: Reports on the US taking down the US Flag in Baghdad, Iraq, thus ending the eight year military operation in Iraq. Thus folks the US finally leaves Iraq, after 4.500 US deaths, 179 UK deaths and a reported 100,000 Iraqi deaths. The question that has to be asked folks, was it worth it, at its most basic, was it worth the death of 1 US or UK Soldier, at the end of the day Iraq is Democracy, hardly stable but a democracy, Saddam Hussein got hung in public in essence, this blog does not weep for him, got what he deserved. As to the future, that is up to Iraq, will it remain a democracy, hard call folks, it does seem that the Iraqi people have gotten in to the habit of voting, that is good, but Iraq’s neighbour Iran is on the way to becoming a nuclear armed power, might Iran invade Iraq to divert attention form this, there is a chance folks, will Iraq become just a satellite of Iran, 6/10 it might happen, Iran will have the bomb, Iraq wont, but that is the future folks, lets for the moment recall all those brave Allied Soldiers that have died, lets hope their deaths were not in vain, that would be condemnation of the Iraq War.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

France and the Euro

Guardian Live - Euro: Reports on the rumours on a French downgrade, “ The feeling in the City is that France's AAA rating has roughly the same prospects as the average turkey, and is ripe for plucking. ”. As both the left wing Guardian and the right wing Telegraph are going with this story, one has to postulate that the downgrade will happen soon, as stated in previous post this will hit the French ability to raise money on the Markets, thus the ability of the EU to bailout the PIIGS will be hurt, who next folks, Germany? How much money can Germany give to the PIIGS and now much debt can it take on before its own credit rating starts to wobble, and this blog is serious about that folks.

The French AAA? - Euro Crisis

Telegraph Live - Euro: Reports on rumours from Twitter that France will lose its triple A rating, the French Government is in full spin mode in case this happens. This would be a disaster for the French President, it would make it harder for France to raise money on the markets, the French spin is that the same thing happened to the US, good try but one of the pillars of the Euro is France and its ability to fund the bailout package, if investors think that France just might in the future not be able to pay her debts then France is in trouble, the US is still an economic superpower, bowed but not on here knees, the French are the lapdogs of the Germans, nothing new there folks. The French left has made it clear it would have new talks on the new EU Treaty, thus the French President might very well lose next year, those EU fanatics, yes you Lib Dems, are you sure you want to tie yourself to that sinking boat.

PM Cameron and the IMF

Guardian Live - Euro: Reports that UK Coalition PM David Cameron has stated that the UK will not go beyond its agreed spending on the IMF. As the 12.51pm post notes the UK Parliament agreed to 40 billion for the IMF, the UK has already given 30 billion as a commitment, thus that leaves only another 10 billion left. There is pressure form EU for another 30 billion from the UK. The UK Labour Party opposed the last grant, even if PM Cameron wanted to give the money he would never get through the House of Commons, if another 80 Conservative MPs rebelled the motion would be defeated by the Opposition.

Between a ROCK and a CLIFF - Ireland

Telegraph: Reports that the Irish Government is worried by the prospect that a Financial Tax could hit Ireland if the UK is out of such a EU structure. After the fine words of the 26 at the EU Summit, NOW we see the problems, Ireland and others cant afford pro Europe at the expense of THEIR national interests. The City Tax is just one problem, how will the French Parliament react to the fact that Germany will have a VETO on their budget. That should their be economic problems they are in a economic straightjacket imposed by Germany. Lets see if this Treaty gets passed folks, miles to go folks.

UK Strong in EU - Germany

BBC News: Reports that the German Chancellor Angela Merkel has stated that the UK will be a strong partner in the EU. In other words PM Cameron don’t block us on using the EU institutions, such as the European Court, and more important don’t force us to use Sid’s Café for our meetings. The problem that the German Chancellor has is the fact that her new EU Treaty might hit the rocks never mind the UK, the French Opposition are opposed, the old Eastern block Countries didn’t give up Soviet control to be controlled by the EU. The Irish people going through tough austerity don’t want more control in Berlin, it was bad enough that their last budget was first shown to German MPs before those in Dublin. Thus this treaty might very hit its own Iceberg. The point is there might be no rescue ship.

Payroll Tax Cut and POTUS

White House: Statement by White House Press Secretary. The Oval is playing politics again with the Middle Class, the Senate Democrats want to fine the rich for being rich, nothing new, they are holding hostage the Middle Class, the Republican House has financed the Payroll tax by cuts, the Statement states the following,..And it’s not a time to break last summer’s bipartisan agreement and hurt the middle class by cutting things like education, clean energy, and veterans’ programs without asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share. This is a time to help the middle class and all those trying to reach it by extending a tax cut worth $1,000 for the average family. …They cannot go on vacation before agreeing to prevent a tax hike on 160 million Americans and extending unemployment insurance. That is simply inexcusable in this economy. ”. Thus the above has a attack on the rich, pulling on the heart strings, education, veterans etc, one wonder why the Oval didn’t have some sad music with the statement, its that crash folks. How does making the US another welfare state help the economy, go and ask the PIIGS of the EU, if they are happy. This is not subtle class warfare, just cheap Chicago politics, even the MadMen would think it was old hat, the ideas man would get the sack, but then Obama is no Don Draper.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Greece and Taxes

Telegraph Live - Euro: Reports that the IMF has reported that Greece has reached the limit of its tax hikes and should return to more austerity cuts. That will go down well with the Greek voter folks, is the IMF trying to create a revolution in Greece, its has been reported from various sources that billions of Greek Euros have been sent abroad by its people. Also the recent military shake up shows that Greece could return to military rule. Greece needs growth folks, you cant send people back to the dark ages and expect no reaction. Watch this story folks, Greece is about to become even more of a tinderbox.

Greece and the Euro

Guardian Live - Euro: Reports more bad news out of Greece, the article states the following, “ The IMF update has just been released and it has slashed its forecasts for growth .. ”, in fact Greece is going downhill. The question has to be asked folks, how much austerity can Greece take before its time to switch off the life support. The tough austerity package out of the troika of the EU/IMF/ECB has pushed growth in to negative balance. The cuts in the public sector will push up welfare, the tax hikes on Country that is corrupt will take years to be effective. Sooner or later, and later if the EU is the standard a Greek politician will say NO, time for Greece to take control of its own future, default on its debts, return to its native currency, and rebuild the Greek economy, its for modern Greece to find its classic Greek soul.

Obama’s Arrogant - Democratic Congressman

The Hill: Has an interesting piece by a Democratic Congressman Dennis Carodoza, the Congressman States the following on POTUS, “ …Obama projected an arrogant “I’m right, you’re wrong” demeanor……voters — will give him a failing grade next November if he doesn’t improve his performance Are Democrats on the Hill smelling the coffee folks, they are up for re-election next year, it can be argued that House Democrats have a limited chance of retaking the House, they didn’t have the guts to get rid of former Liberal Speaker Nancy Pelosi, thus on the Presidential side you have President Obama, who has not been over 50% Approval in months, on the Congressional side, you have two great Republican voters getters, the LIBERAL Nancy Pelosi on the House side and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on the Senate side. It can be postulated that if POTUS does not get his act together by mid 2012 the Hill Democrats will do a real runner from the Obama re-elect committee. The Republicans can use the old Reagan question, “ Are you better off that you were four years ago? ”, the answer by most Americans is that they and the US have one from a ditch to falling over a cliff. Thus Obama could be Carter Mark 2, lets recall folks, Democrats wanted Reagan as the Republican Nominee, yes folks they were that out of it, it has been argued that Democrats want Newt Gingrich as the Republican Nominee, are they going to make the same mistake, time will tell folks.

Cheney on Gingrich

CNN News - Politics: Reports that former VP Richard Cheney has warned the challengers to Newt Gingrich in essence not to fall in to the trap of “ ..misjudging the former House speaker’s election prospects. ”. As the former VP notes the former Speaker early on his career saw the prospects of the Republicans taking the House from the Democrats. One I think can argue that the VP is in his own way endorsing Gingrich, when one looks at national security issues from Israel to Iran, it can be argued that Gingrich is closer to Cheney. The question will the kind words of the former VP help or hinder Gingrich, they should help, they should tell the voter that Gingrich is a winner, he retook the House, what is the say he cant make Obama a one term President. These are interesting times folks, the STAR has lost his allure, the people want jobs nor a Law Professor in the Oval.

Gingrich the MAN - Republican Race

The Hill: Reports on recent Republican Polls, the article states the following, “ Of the four early-voting states, polling shows Gingrich leading in three of them — Iowa, South Carolina and Florida — and gaining ground in New Hampshire.This blog has made its prediction folks, last great words, that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich will be the Republican Nominee for President, of course the Speaker is quite capable of shooting himself in the foot, the elite media jumped on him with his comments about the Middle East, he was historically accurate about the growth of the Palestinian people and only recently is time terms have they been seen as a people who have a right to a Country. This should go down well with voters who see the security of Israel as important, this is not just a Jewish issue, some of the most passionate supporters of Israel are Christians. The problem is that the Speaker has to be careful, the extreme elite media will use any words against him, try to make him out of the mainstream, he does not need any more baggage. As Gingrich leads in Iowa, South Carolina and Florida, one can argue that he will win these States, the question is NH, if he can get within 10 points of Romney the race is over folks, so the Romney Campaign might do well to increase its resources in NH, not give up on Iowa, but keep as is their plan NH as the wall as to either stall the Gingrich Campaign or finish off Gingrich. Lets recall Bush 41 won Iowa in 1980, beating Reagan, yes folks it did happen, but then Reagan won NH and from their the Presidency. Lets hope this blog has not predicted to soon folks.

New Hampshire and the Republican Race

The New York Times: Reports that the political gloves have come off in NH, former House Speaker called for Governor Romney to return the money from the Companies he bankrupted, while Romney has called on Gingrich to give back money from a Government Agency. Folks the liberal NYT is loving this, but what it does show is how close the former Speaker is to taking the nomination away from Governor Romney, the Romney Campaign has been playing safe in till now, the contenders to Romney have destroyed their own Campaigns, but Gingrich had a blow at the start, thus while Romney was battling Perry, Cain, the Gingrich Campaign came in on the inside to take the lead. The baggage of the former Speaker are well known, thus not news folks. If Newt Gingrich can win Iowa and come close to Romney in his home state in many respects and then head South to Southern States he can win the nomination before the end of the month of January. This blog is going to make bold prediction, the Republican Nominee is going to be Newt Gingrich.

Euro Today - Poland to the Rescue ?

Guardian: Reports on comments by the Polish Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski on BBC2’s Newsnight, the Minister stated that the demands of PM Cameron could be meet in the future. Thus the Irish and Polish Government might have smelled the coffee folks, one has to ask will Dublin really want a referendum on if Paris and Berlin will have the final say over the Irish Budget. The Poles didn’t get rid of Soviet Communism to allow the EU to run their budget. At lets get to the most arrogant Country on Earth, that being France, the French only care about France, will really allow Berlin to decide their budget, what gets spend, what if in the future France wants to spend more than the Germans like, will they be taken to the European Court, have doubts the French will go along with this in the future folks. People don’t change folks, elites sometimes over play their hand, France and Germany might have bough a ticket on the Titanic.

Where was CLEGG ? - Eurozone Crisis

BBC News: The BBC’s Political Editor Nick Robinson writes the following on the absence of Nick Clegg at the EU Statement by PM David Cameron, “ They used to all agree with Nick. Today they couldn't even find him.. ”. This is a good line folks, but at its heart is the fact that DPM Nick Clegg is hopeless at reading politics, a recent poll has found that 49% of Liberal Democrats agree with PM Cameron, the Nick Clegg office has allowed the elite media of the BBC, Guardian, Independent, Channel 4 to divert from good politics, the Brits at their core have a great mistrust of Europe, we have fought nearly all them at one time or another, remember that France, and the UK has won, and those odd were worse folks. The DPM should have taken his Party by the scruff of the neck and told them some home truths, he has destroyed what ever support he might have gotten form Conservatives, time to ditch the Liberal Democrats, go for an early election and referendum on EU. The Conservatives would win an overall majority and the Liberal Democrats can go back to being a pressure group, and liked by everybody and having no power.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

France and the Euro

Guardian: Reports that France faces a credit downgrade, the article states the following, “ A Reuters survey of 13 economists found 11 thought France would be downgraded. ”. Thus what was the point of France bullying the UK, the French President Nicolas Sarkozy faces re-election next year, if France gets hit with a downgrade the Government will have to have further tax hikes, as the article notes France has gone for tax hikes over real austerity,..France has focused chiefly on tax rises rather than sweeping spending cuts..”, also it should be noted that Germany faces elections next year folks, lets look at the record folks, in between election losses and forced resignations it has not been good for those that have supported the Euro and the EU. This should be a warning to the Lib Dems, don’t push PM Cameron to far, he just might call your bluff.

Is Ireland SMELLING the COFFEE ?

Telegraph: Reports that after agreeing to the new EU Treaty, some in the Irish Cabinet doubt that it will be enough to solve the Eurozone problem and that the UK will be part of future discussions on the Euro. Its odd but one can argue that the Irish are more loyal to the UK than the Liberal Democrats. What the elite, and in this the blog includes the BBC/Guardian, Channel 4, don’t get is the fact that the EU might have bought a ticket on the Titanic, the UK is already in a lifeboat and is getting away fast, if the rest go down there wont be that much room in the lifeboat, also the Irish owes the UK billions. One can also postulate that the Irish will not like the fact that Germany and France will have the final say on the Irish Budget. What next will France and Germany decide the Abortion laws for Ireland, and other social areas. The Apple looked nice in the Garden of Eden folks, but it was US Brits that sold it to the Big Man, that’s why we had the Biggest Empire ever, and left it with more grace that the fall of other Empires.

UK Coalition Government and the Liberal Democrats

BBC News: Reports on the U - turn by Liberal Democrat Leader and DPM Nick Clegg on the UK’s VETO of a new EU Treaty, Mr Clegg has stated that the veto was bad for Britain, but blamed Germany/France and the right wing of the Conservative Party. This is typical of the Liberal Democrats folks, once the extreme left wing Guardian shouts, the LibDems ask how high they should jump. After the Summit Nick Clegg stated that the demands by the PM were moderate and he supported the action, once the pressure started by the likes of the BBC and Guardian, Clegg changed his mind, this blog did warn you folks that the Clegg was the weak link. The PM should read the riot act at the next Cabinet. PM Cameron should state that he will hold a Referendum on his decision, also should the UK hold a vote on in or out for the EU. The BBC and even Sky have bough out the old EU fanatics, most in the House of Lords, what was noticeable that there were no Conservative MPs who opposed the PM, and they matter folks, not extreme Lib Dems who want to run by the EU and failed politicians in the House of Lords. Lets start the fight back folks, lets blog, tweet, lets show the PM was right.

The EU Treaty and Ireland

More from Friend of Blog, Helen, Ireland.

“Well I must say Cameron is certainly getting some good press out of all of this, (even if it is mostly in England.) Europe can’t understand it but, I don’t think he had any choice in this given the Franco/German stance. Sarkozy doesn’t stand a prayer for re-election and sees Merkel’s coat tails as the only way to keep himself centre stage. The value of saving the Euro is questionable. Will chaos ensue? Yes I think it will for a while, but I am not sure that is not what we have now. As for Britain well I am glad they said ‘NO’. They are a huge contributor to the EU and I think it is wrong to side line them. England often seems to lack pride and identity, if this helps, it is a good thing. Quite how it will play out in the next couple of weeks will be very interesting. At the moment the markets seem to be responding positively to this “federalised Europe” but I give it maximum 10 days (maybe into the New Year) before another EU members debt crisis upsets the apple cart again. Cameron may well have reason to be smug. I know from the Irish situation that it can be very demoralising to think that you are not in charge of your own destiny. That you are being ‘nannied’. It is probably a cheap shot to suggest that Germany and France are trying to take over Europe, the fact is that through lack of clear leadership and geographic location they have no choice. Committees rarely work in a crisis, unless you have a good Chairperson. I really don’t think the Irish have fully woken up yet to how much sovereignty they have given away. They have always been fairly pro-Europe in the past because they have had massive investment. E.U rules and regulations were readily adopted, although not always adhered to. There is a saying that ‘Byelaws are for going by’. The Irish were happy to take virtually all that was given. They only started to grumble when things stopped going their way. Frankly I am amazed that there has not been more upset in general about Europe’s involvement. Disgust has typically focussed on the previous government. Enda Kenny had no choice but, to agree to whatever Merkel and Sarkozy cooked up. Ireland has much to loose but he is scrabbling for crumbs. He desperately wants to protect this low corporation tax rate but this new system will do away with all that, despite what he says. Yet again Ireland is selling itself short. Enda has asked the Attorney General to examine the constitution to see if we need a referendum for a new treaty. Of course we do, but they know that the public are unlikely to go for it or be conned again. The last thing the deciding powers in Europe want is for this sort of decision to be left to referendum. Ultimately that is my main problem with the EU. It is unelected and therefore in my book undemocratic. The system is flawed.”

Folks do you agree with FOB, Helen of Ireland, lets this blog know, do you think Ireland was right and should give up its Sovereignty for the benefit of the EU, in this case France and Germany. Should there be a Referendum in Ireland, should the first vote be the decider, how many Irish wish they had a PM like David Cameron, a PM who said NO. Think folks it is your Country or do the EU now own Ireland.

Friday, December 09, 2011

The French and the UK = New EU Treaty

Daily Mail: Reports that UK Coalition PM David Cameron has cast doubts on how effective the new EU Treaty will be in dealing with the Euro Crisis. If the axis of Paris and Berlin start to seek revenge on the UK, the UK should VETO any part of the EU having to regulate this new EU Treaty. Lets see how the EU leaders like meeting at Sid Cafe's around the corner. The UK PM should play hardball with the EU and the Liberal Democrats, lets bring back the good days of the 1980s, lets make Lady Thatcher proud.

UK and the EU

Guardian: Reports the following on PM David Cameron and the Veto of the new EU Treaty, “ …plunged Britain's position .. into the greatest uncertainty in a generation…With the apparent blessing of the pro-European deputy prime minister.. ”. The tone is typically negative folks, the UK is isolated, it’s a two speed Europe, it’s the faults of the anti Europe Conservative MPs. The left wing Guardian is going for the weak link in the Coalition Government the Liberal Democrats, expect calls from the elite press for the Liberal Democrats to bail on the Coalition, Nick Clegg as the above shows has been set up by the article as the weak line, but the UK demands had the okay of the Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrats should be careful that the PM Cameron does not call a Referendum on his veto, how do Lib Dems think the UK would vote, not for the Ed Miliband view folks, you can take that as a good bet. The Elite for once have found a PM that they cant roll, good one Mr Cameron.

PM Cameron and that NO = New EU Treaty

BBC News: Reports on UK’s Coalition PM David Cameron’s VETO of a new EU Treaty, the PM would not reverse his stated objective of defending the City of London from EU regulation. This is a bold move by the PM, the Conservative Party on the whole will be supportive, there are still a few fanatic EU supporters but they are small and the voices have gone quite since the fall of Lady Thatcher. The Liberal Democrats it seems are split, the DPM Nick Clegg agreed the UK line when it came to City of London and the single market. The more left wing and Euro lovers of the Lib Dems are appalled, one Lib Dem MEP wanted to become an Irish Citizen because she supported the Euro, yes folks they are that odd. The Labour Leader Ed Miliband was typical appeasing of Germany and France, if Miliband had been in the room he would have sold out UK interests to keep Paris and Berlin HAPPY, STUFF them, we have been alone before! What has been interesting has been watching the BBC News coverage, what a bunch of Guardian readers, their tone was so negative, so in the camp of Germany and France, one can seem them supporting the Chamberlain’s Appeasement of the late 1930’s. This is not new, at the time of the Iraq War, they where sometimes more the Baghdad Broadcasting Service, its about time the Government reminded them who grants them the ability to tax the public through the TV licence. Our PM has done good folks, very Churchill, very Lady Thatcher.

Afghanistan Front New

MOD: Has announced the name of the Soldier that died in the UK yesterday of wounds sustained in Afghanistan, the Soldier was “ Sapper Elijah Bond, from 35 Engineer Regiment, Royal Engineers ”. Our thoughts are with the family of Sapper Bond.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Obama on Iran

The White House: Statement by the President. President Obama has stated the following on Iran, “ …what I can say with respect to Iran, I think it's very important to remember, particularly given some of the political noise out there, that this administration has systematically imposed the toughest sanctions on Iraq -- on Iran ever. When we came into office, the world was divided, Iran was unified and moving aggressively on its own agenda. Today, Iran is isolated, and the world is unified in applying the toughest sanctions that Iran has ever experienced. And it's having an impact inside of Iran. And that's as a consequence of the extraordinary work that's been done by our national security team. Now, Iran understands that they have a choice: They can break that isolation by acting responsibly and foreswearing the development of nuclear weapons, which would still allow them to pursue peaceful nuclear power, like every other country that's a member of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, or they can continue to operate in a fashion that isolates them from the entire world. And if they are pursuing nuclear weapons, then I have said very clearly, that is contrary to the national security interests of the United States; it's contrary to the national security interests of our allies, including Israel; and we are going to work with the world community to prevent that. If I was the Oval I would not be that smug, the Israeli Government does not have confidence in President Obama, thus the recent talk that Israel will strike Iran. The storming of the UK Embassy in Tehran shows that the hardliners want to unify the people behind an anti Western PR campaign. The Tehran Regime thinks that Obama is bluffing, they have in essence told him to get lost, thus their confidence in the plan to kill the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia in the US. The Middle East from Israel to Tehran think they have the Obama number, thus the Obama Administration or its allies through their intelligence services have being using covert means to delay Iran going nuclear. The shooting down of a drone in Iran shows that that tensions are building folks, Obama might not have the time to wait, either Israel strikes Iran as it struck Iraq in 1981 and Syria in 2007 or Obama will have to take action, time is running out folks.

Death in UK - Afghanistan Theatre

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier has died in the UK of wounds sustained in Afghanistan, the Soldier was from the “ 35 Engineer Regiment, Royal Engineers ”. Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 391 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 347 in combat action and 44 due to illness, accidents or other incidents.

ECB and the Markets

Telegraph Live - Euro: Reports that the UK’s FTSE -100 was down 1.14% after the ECB stated it would not increase its bond buying scheme. In other words folks there is only so much that the ECB can do for Italy and the rest of the bailed out States of the Euro. The bond rates of Italy and Spain have started to raise again folks, how long before Spain gets its begging bowl out, lets hope Italy never asks, the EU does not have a big bowl. The Godfather would not be happy!

Obama on the Euro

Guardian Live - Euro: Reports from the AP that President Obama has stated that the EU can solve the Euro crisis if it has the political will, but what is interesting is the reaction Guardian, “ So that's it then, Obama says it'll be OK. We can all rest easy. ”. The left wing Guardian sending up POTUS, it seems on the financial side that even the PC Guardian does not trust the judgement of Obama. Also lets get real folks, the US has a 15 trillion debt, the Super Committee failed to develop a plan for trillions of cuts, the US under Obama has lost its AAA rating with S&P, the Republican House wont pass a thing that Obama wants, and here is Obama lecturing the EU on its problems, get a grip Oval. Your no JFK or Reagan, solve your own problems first, the STAR has not had box office hit in a while, grow up POTUS.

France and the Euro

BBC News: Reports that French President Nicolas Sarkozy has stated that Europe could fall apart without a deal at the EU Summit. The Capitols of Paris and Berlin want a new EU Treaty that allows the EU Commission to regulate the Eurozone and to fine those Countries that break the rules. Lets recall folks there are already rules, but who broke these rules, lets have a guess, UK, NO, it was Germany and France. Lets be clear, if in the future the French need to break the rules they will, does not matter what the leaders say NOW. When it comes down to it France is about France, you have to respect that, if they do break the rules in the future, do you think Paris is going to care a second what the EU thinks, of course not, the UK PM should be firm with our European allies, at the end of the day UK PM Cameron should safeguard UK interests and prevent the Eurozone outvoting the UK in the future. Tense time ahead folks.

Goody bye Colonel Potter - Harry Morgan has Died

The New York Times: Reports on the death of the actor Harry Morgan, best known as Colonel Potter in MASH. This blog send its condolences to the family and friends of Mr Morgan, a fine dramatic and comic actor, his Colonel Potter was the kind of officer you would hope to get if you ended up in the services, firm, considerate, wise, and the ability to see the fun side of life but also get on with the military job. Goodbye Colonel Potter.

PM Cameron and the Euro

Guardian: Reports on the pressures faced by the UK Coalition PM, the article states the following, “ ..buffeted by the conflicting pressures of a Eurosceptic cabinet ….and increasing isolation in key capitals across Europe. ”. At the end of the day the Eurozone Countries need the UK to agree for the EU Institutions to regulate any new 17 nation euro deal, if the UK does not get what it wants when it comes to the single market and the City of London the PM can veto any deal. The Liberal Democrats might not be happy but what choice do they have, do they want a General Election based on Europe. They would be destroyed, the Labour Party also has a healthy element of Euro sceptic MPs and members. Thus it might suite PM Cameron to take this to the edge. He has to keep the support of his Party, he is the Conservative leader, he can not afford to become the next Edward Heath. That’s the UK version of Jimmy Carter. In other words a disaster in Office. Thus the PM should stand up to Germany and France, safeguard UK interests and reclaim some powers back, the EU needs the UK more than the UK needs the Euro, after all its always the Germans causing the problems, no to Euro bonds, No to the ECB taking action, invading Poland, sorry wrong REICH. Time for Cameron to be Churchill not Chamberlain.

The German/French Plan - EU

BBC News: Reports on elements of the German/French plan to save the Euro, the two Countries are asking for a common corporation tax and a tax on the financial sector of the Eurozone. The UK has made it clear that the main red spots for the Coalition Government is that 17 States of the Euro should not damage the single market, or that the EU should try to backdoor a tax on the UK financial sector. As the article notes even the 17 States of the Euro might have problems with the plan, Ireland with the common corporation tax, that has been a major selling point for the Irish, if the Eurozone push for an increase then these Big Companies will go to cheaper areas, the UK should look at this factor. The Germans must be mad to agree to a tax on their financial sector, the UK has said no, the USA the same, this really could hurt Germany. Also lets not forget that the credit agency S&P has warned that Germany and France are on a negative credit watch, what if this plan does not work, what if it makes it worse, it does not solve the debt crisis of the EU. The Germans have made it clear that Euro bonds are off the table and that the ECB should be the lender of last resort. The German Coalition Government might want to agree to the above but they would have to get it through the German Parliament and the German Supreme Court. The idea that this plan will be done by March 2012 shows how out of touch the EU is, what if Ireland says No again, will they be forced to have another vote, will democracy been thrown in the bin to keep the 4th German Economic Reich happy. This folks could make the crisis worse, there are always unknowns of the unknowns out there folks. There is always that iceberg.